The Captive

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Hey everyone, so I'm kind of going back on my word...I couldn't resist another Werewolf story :-) Though, I'd like to add in a few other creatures just to spice it up a bit. Hope it turns out okay. I'm winging it.

I didn't have to turn around to know the fire was there.

There was too much light for this time of night.

I could smell the smoke.

I could feel the heat even from this far away.

I took off running back towards my small village. Did someone drop their torch? Was there an exceptionally large bonfire that got out of hand?

As I drew closer I heard the screams of women and children, the agonized cries of wounded men. We were being attacked!

I needed to find my family! My sister was probably beside herself, and my mother... My mother was probably faint already.

If I was caught, as a woman, there was no telling what might happen.

I stopped and looked down quickly. I was already wearing trousers and a heavy coat that fell to mid thigh. My breasts were bound as they always were when I went hunting. I didn't think twice as I pulled my knife from my belt and held my hair as I started hacking. It was an off-brown color. It wasn't quite red and wasn't quite brown, just an odd mix. It wasn't that noticeable next to my mother's and sister's fiery locks. Thankfully I had more of my late father in me.

I quickly returned the cap to my head, discarded the quail I had killed and took off running. I ducked under the fence and snuck to the back of a building. I crept around corners, trying to go unnoticed for as long as I could. 

My best chance, if they hadn't already been captured, would be to grab my family and take off into the forest. I knew sadly that we might not get that far though. 

Julianne and my mother were not built for these things. They were dainty creatures, and I should've been a son. But, I wasn't, so I'd just have to feign it for now.

I knew I was getting closer to our small cottage, but the closer I got, the louder the screams became. One rang out and I knew it was Julianne's. A deep sense of dread knotted my stomach as I took a deep breath, grasped the hilt of the knife and gently stepped closer to the edge of the building I was currently hiding behind. 

I stuck my head out just enough to see the carnage. Large, beast-like men were ravaging the town. Men and women were being corralled as if they were cattle. The ones that fought back were beaten or killed. Some women were grabbed and dragged away crying uncontrollably. I spotted Julianne being led to the line of young women and my mother already in the line of older women.

Julianne was crying and trying to jerk away from the barbaric man that held her arms behind her. I put the knife away and gathered up my nerves. I ran out of my cranny as if I were in a daze. The beast nearest to me whipped around with wild glowing eyes. I'd heard of these beasts before, half man and half wolf. 

He growled and I swallowed down my fear and held up my hands. He straightened his defensive stance "Wise decision, boy." He reached up and grabbed my wrist and pulled the other down with it before wrapping a length of rope around them roughly. 

I tried to keep my eye on Julianne and it wasn't hard to do considering she was making a scene. I needed her to calm down. She was two years younger than me, and having seen only 19 summers myself, she was young. She was old enough to marry, but my mother would have never made her marry if she didn't want to.

The man pulled me after him and he started dragging me closer to Julianne. I spoke "Let me speak to her. She's my sister." He stopped and turned to me "What did you say, boy?" I bit back my proud, sharp tongue and spoke calmly "I can calm her down." He pursed his lips then called out "Garan! Your howler has an antidote!"

The burly man held Julianne still. She had started looking around wildly. She saw me when the man holding me pushed me towards her.

Her eyes widened, but she did stop struggling "V!" she cried out. It had been her nickname for me for as long as I can remember. Vasilisa was a mouthful for a young child. I strode quickly to her and she broke free from the man. She came and hugged me. She was only a little shorter, but she was still growing. I was tall enough to pass for a young man, or an older boy, but I had not grown in many years.

"V, I'm scared..." She sobbed. I pulled away and looked her in the eye "Julie, I need you to be strong." She pulled me back to her and I whispered "I cut my hair. They think I'm a boy. Don't use my real name. I'll try to get us out soon, but you need to cooperate." She inhaled deeply and pulled away. She wiped her tears and looked me in the eyes as she gave me a small nod. "I trust you." She replied.

I gave a little smile, though I knew it would be strained and microscopic as well. "Get in line and don't speak unless spoken to." I said hurriedly before the man drew close enough to hear us. I knew these beasts could probably hear better, smell better, see better than all of us put together. With all the chaos going on, hopefully it masked my words. He cautiously grasped Julie's arm and she looked to the ground and followed him.

I walked back to the man and he frowned at me as he pushed me towards the boy's line "You're a strange boy." He announced. As he pushed me into the line I muttered to myself "Never said I wasn't."

The boys in line didn't glance my way. They were too busy watching the proceedings with pained expressions, too young and weak to be of much good. That hadn't stopped some from trying though. I saw that some were bleeding slightly and already bruising. That was better than some of the dismembered villagers that were laying about. I didn't let my eyes stay too long on those men and some women that I had once seen alive.

I looked to the ground and tried not to draw attention to myself. 

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