Chapter 8: A Reunion and an Altercation

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Vasilisa's POV

I found Mary and Julie at the bath house. I entered and saw them bathing together, talking.

Just like the old days. They were alone, thank goodness. 

Mary exclaimed when she saw us "Mable!"

She hopped out of the steaming pond and ran towards us, flinging water and all. Then she embraced the two of us tightly, kissing us both on the cheek. 

"You're wet." I laughed "And naked!"

Mary laughed maniacally "And you're dressed as a boy, carting my sister around!"

I slapped her arm playfully and told her to get back in the water before she caught a cold. 

She did and Mable seemed much more at ease. We took our shoes and such off and rolled up pants and skirts before sticking our feet into the very warm water. Steam floated about the room.

"You think you'll get in trouble if you're caught in here?" Julie asked with wide, scared eyes.

I gave a wry grin "I'll probably get in trouble for not being in the hall where he told me to wait, but that obviously didn't stop me. Mable needed to see her sister."

Julie sighed and rubbed her face "Sometimes I think I'm the older sister."

Mary giggled "You are taller."

I splashed water at her "You chit! I can't help it!"

She splashed me back and I yelled out in surprise.

We were in a heap of giggles once again, and suddenly, everything didn't seem so bad. 

Scar's POV

Duran and I were to fight at dusk.

It was the tradition.

When one of our kind disobeyed their leaders, they could face exile for months or fight and possibly face death.

Duran chose to fight.

Only pack members and men were allowed to watch. The women not of our kind, or not mated to our kind were required to stay indoors. 

When I found the boy who was supposed to be my shadow, he was where I told him to wait, but only after I'd returned there with the intention of sending out a manhunt for him.

I was angry until I saw him sitting with his sister, Mable, and who I assumed to be Mable's sister. His sister was trying her hardest with Mable's sister to make Duran's young mate laugh. 

V was the only one succeeding "I mean, imagine it! I was up this tree, ready to loose the arrow that would surely pierce a stag's heart and all of a sudden; splat! Bird shit! Right on my face! And then it seemed his buddies wanted to get in on it too! Little buggers! I didn't even get to bring them back on their string because I was too busy trying to figure out where the hell the fire was coming from. I should eat eggs out in the forest; let them know what I'm capable of."

I bit my lip trying not to laugh at his claim. If I'd been shit on my birds I certainly wouldn't admit it.

Mable's sister sipped a steaming cup and smiled over the rim "I knew you were the unlucky sort, but I never imagined the universe would so aggressively sick its vengeance on you. I think it's because you don't wear dresses."

I asked, raising a brow "And why would young V here need to be wearing dresses?"

Mable's sister glanced at me and her smile wavered before returning "Oh, because we put him in them. He set himself on fire once after we played dress up."

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