Chapter 4: Twisted

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Scar's POV


To a man!

There was no way!

There was no way in hell I could be mated to a man!

I was the Alpha of all Alphas! The Commander of the Lycanthrope army! I would not be mated to a man!

When the man saw me, he stopped and tugged the firey maiden behind him. I curled my lip. He lifted his face just enough so I could glimpse it. It was a plain face. He had a square jaw, full lips, long nose, but his eyes were shadowed. He was a young boy. He had to be to have such features. His jaw looked smooth and remained free of facial hair. 

Rhyn was studying me with a frown "Scar? Are you alright?" I gave a little nod "Yes, I'm just ready for that drink." Rhyn nodded and with a smile called a woman forth "Bring us wine." She nodded and scurried off.

He called out "V! Bring us chalices!" The boy stopped and turned, glancing at Rhyn who gave him a pointed look. He turned around, nudged the woman with the red hair and she waved him off. He sat down the tub of silverware and strided off. His arse swayed beneath his trousers and coat. It was perky.

I felt disgusted with myself, lusting after a boy. We sat and I tried to become intrigued with the tales of our voyage. My mind was wandering elsewhere. I came back when there was rowdy laughter. V, came back with a sack of chalices and carefully sat them down in front of us. When he leaned over to set mine down, he glanced at me. I saw his eyes then. They were large in his face, deep-set, and light of color. His lashes were long and thick as well. Those were the eyes of a girl, but he had the body of a male. 

I noticed his hands next. The cloth that was wrapped around them was dirty and I smelled the dried blood that stained them. "What's wrong with your hands, boy?" I asked. He froze and swallowed. He then replied in a very unmanly voice "I was digging graves yesterday. The shovel splintered on my palms." He did not wait for my reply as he moved on, placing another cup in front of Rhyn and then the man next to him and the next.

My eyes didn't leave him.

Vasilisa's POV

He wouldn't quit staring at me.

The man had to be the handsomest beast of them all. 

He was large too, towering over me. His eyes were gold like the rest, but his seemed to glow a little brighter. His dark hair was loose, hanging to his shoulders in a savage manor, and I tried not to keep staring as I went along. They were made to make you want them. I kept telling myself this.

No matter how handsome he was, he was a monster...and right now, I'm a boy too!

Maybe he just thought me a suspicious lad. Maybe he was offended for having pulled Julie behind me when they entered. I groaned when I was alone and gently rested against the wall of the dim hallway. I breathed in deeply for a moment, but not a minute more. I didn't want to find out what happened if you quit working.

When I returned, the feast was in full swing.

Julie seemed safe enough standing against the wall, waiting to be called on, but she looked distraught. I followed her gaze to see the missing women. They were seated beside the beasts as if it were the only natural thing to do. They were laughing and smiling with them.

They were betrayers!

Some of their own family members had just been torn apart not two days ago and here they were, cavorting with the murderers!

I felt like I was going to be sick, but I swallowed down my bile and went to stand beside Julie. She leaned into me and I rested my head against hers.

I felt the eyes of the man called Scar on me. When I glanced at him, he was staring right at me, unafraid. He raised his glass "More wine." Julie strode over and gently poured the wine into his cup. He dismissed her, but not before another man called on her as well. I didn't hesitate to bury my hand in the back of my trousers, grasping hold of the hilt of my knife.

He was smiling drunkenly at her, but Julie was too nervous to do anything other than the minimum requirements. I saw his hand raise, and didn't think as I stepped up behind him and grasped his wrists in an iron-grip right before it seized a handful of my sister's derrier.

He turned and growled at me "Back off, boy!" He barked. I hissed "I will not. You try to touch my sister again and it'll be your hands." He stood, knocking back his chair as Julie straightened, gasping "V, no..." I glanced at Julie before turning back to the man who towered over me. "You best learn who your masters are now, boy, before you get yourself killed." He said, looking halfway to his animal side already.

I replied just as stonily "I will gladly get myself killed if it'll keep hands off my family." He curled his lip at me and struck my cheek. It stung but I turned back anyway and spit the blood from my split lip onto his shoe. I was beyond pissed.

He was about to hit me again when Scar's voice rang throughout the hall "Hit him again and it will be you in the dungeon, Duran." Duran whipped around to his leader and eyed him before reluctantly sitting back down. I pushed Julie behind me when I saw Scar striding forward, on the verge of blind rage.

"Go find mother and stay with her tonight." I muttered to Julie who slowly started backing away, looking at me with pleading eyes as if asking me not to do anything stupid.

Scar's large hand encircled my arm and tugged me behind him roughly. His hand was really warm, and strong. I liked his hand a lot...even if it was dragging me into the cells.

He pulled me to the light and grasped my chin painfully, tugging my left side so he could see it "You're already starting to bruise." he muttered bitterly. I jerked my face out of his hand and he growled lowly in his chest "Would you really die to keep someone from harming your family."

I scoffed "Yeah, I would."

He set his jaw and leaned in close so I could smell that strong, alluring scent "I usually consider that and admirable quality, but in this case it is stupid. What could he have done in a room full of people besides cop a feel of her backside and send her on her way? Why risk your life because of a little touch?"

I glared at him mutinously "It might be just a touch now, but what will it be if he catches her alone, eh? What then?" He grunted "Fair enough, but let me tell you something, boy, we are not your biggest enemy here. You best get over your arrogance now because the faster you do the longer you'll live. We have no use for proud little boys taking every joking touch or jest as an insult to their fragile pride."

I rumbled "I only need to live long enough to see them safe, and then the banshees can take my soul and do whatever they like with it."

He turned away then a dangrily opened the cell door and throwing me into it by my shirt "You best think about what you've done, boy. For your own sake."

I huffed "I don't have to think about it, I know why I did it. I would do it again, too." He slammed the cell door and locked it with the keys "Then think about the consequences." he suggested flatly.

Before I retort he walked off, the heels of his boots clicking as he stormed away. I rattled the cage door in frustration, screaming through gritted teeth. I knew it would do me no good so I went back to the corner and sat, hunched over and tried to calm down.

I would be no good tomorrow if I didn't sleep tonight. I just don't find it easy to sleep when all I really want to do is tear someone's head off.

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