Chapter 21: If You're a Prude...

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Vasilisa's POV

I was waiting for Scar outside his room.

We really did need to talk about things. I probably shouldn't have visited him this morning, what with being sleep deprived and angry enough to kill.

When I saw him stumbling around down the hall, I rushed forward "Scar! Are you alright? Have you been drinking?"

He fell onto the wall. I rushed forward and threw his arm over my shoulder "Okay, let's get you to bed." I mumbled.

Right after we entered his room, he staggered behind me and wrapped his arms around my stomach. He stuck his face in my neck and inhaled deeply. I froze "Scar." I squeaked.

He followed, muttering "You smell good, Vasilisa."

He licked up my neck and I gasped as the muscles below my waist clenched. "Scar, what are you..." I started.

He gave a low growl in his chest that vibrated my body "My mate." He said softly, slipping the neck of my shirt further down my shoulder and kissing the top of it. "I'm making you mine."

I pulled away, whipping around fast enough to make me dizzy "You can't just...ignore me for a two days, get a little drunk and decide you want me." I panted.

He was in front of me in a blink of the eye, wrapping his hands around my waist and making it harder to concentrate "I'm not drunk, just a little dizzy. I was trying to give you space...I thought you were mad at me."

I inhaled "I was mad at you and I still..." His lips cut off my next words.

The next thing I knew he was on top of me on the bed.

I could only clutch at his shirt as his hands seemed to move everywhere at once. My shirt was being slid up my abdomen as my trousers were being lowered. I cried out and bucked beneath him when he ran his fingers through a place...that place.

"Scar..." I whimpered. He ran his lips along my neck "Calm down." He whispered gently.

He slid off of me and I could only concentrate on the fact that it was so humid in here.

The next thing I knew, my trousers were being tugged completely off and my legs were being grasped in a hard grip as they were spread. I felt a heavy pressure between them and had just called out "Scar, wait!" when he thrust forward.

I collapsed back on the bed in pain. My legs were shaking and more sweat than I cared to admit was forming on my brow.

It took him several thrusts before our hips met each other and by then it felt like my whole abdomen was being torn apart.

He bent over me now and captured my lips again, though my energy already felt spent. A new surge of power seemed to hit Scar because he started moving back and forth.

I clung onto him for dear life, trying to just stay grounded.

He latched onto my neck with his teeth and as I felt a sort of pressure building in me, his teeth broke the skin. I opened my mouth in shock, but no sound came out. The pressure peaked and released and it seemed like a light exploded behind my eyes.

Candles all around the room erupted into flames and they just seemed to go down when Scar and I both settled down. Our breathing slowed and my eyelids became heavy.

I felt him wrap himself around before I nodded off.

Scar's POV

I woke up to a thrashing someone in my arms crying out softly, unintelligibly.

I knew this person, my mate. She was not really clothed. She was in my bed.

"Vas...calm down." I murmured, still trying to figure out why she was in my bed.

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