Gold *WattyClans Contest 1.1*

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     After several days laboring over an iPhone, I present to you, my followers, Gold. Thank you for everything. Enjoy.


"What happened?!"

"W-We didn't mean for it to--"

"I don't want to hear a word from you, Pinestripe!" the large chocolate tortoiseshell leader snapped.

"It was an accident..!" Frogleap finally wailed out.

"I don't care what it was! What stupid mistake did you do that resulted in a crippled apprentice?!"

Frogleap looked down at his paws, his ears back.

"It was an accident...." He murmured again.

It was just a crisp leaf-fall day. Pinestripe was at the front of the patrol, though Frogleap had been assigned as the patrol leader. The dark brown tabby never minded sharing responsibilities with Pinestripe; they had been best friends since kit-hood.

      "Watch out, Frogleap, I'm coming through!" A pale brown tabby she-cat charged through the golden pine nettles that caked the territory floor.

      Frogleap hissed lightly, bouncing out of the way just in time as barreled past his apprentice, Cricketpaw, barreled past him, narrowly missing a collision. Two moons into apprentice training, and she's still acting like a kit.

      "Hey, Frogleap! Hurry up, we're almost to the thunderpath!" Pinestripe called from the top of the hill that they had been climbing. They were going to hunt on the other side of the thunderpath. Risky, but no cat had hunted in that stretch of land for over a moon and it was bound to be teeming with prey. Owlstrike was at the top of the hill as well, keeping the eager young cat from racing into danger with a big pale gray paw.

"Thanks, Owlstrike..." Frogleap sighed as he quickly made his way up. She nodded slightly, her expression unreadable. Does she think I'm a bad mentor? Or what if she's just being good humored? Glad to help?! What if she does think I'm a bad mentor? Frogleap shook his head, as if it'd clear his mind from unneeded, racing thoughts.

"Keep up." Owlstrike called as she disappeared into the bushes. Cricketpaw looked up at the brown tabby warrior with her face screwed up at the hot smell that beat down from the thunderpath just past the small row of bushes.

"Stay close, Cricketpaw." Frogleap murmured, sighing. He could hear Pinestripe call out from the other side of the bushes:

"Hey, Frogleap! I think some monsters got into a fight over some prey!" Frogleap narrowed his eyes, confused. He ducked into the prickly foliage, the twigs scraping at his sides. Cricketpaw easily slid through, but he was much broader than the thin apprentice.

"What're talking abou--" he was cut off as he poked through onto the other side of the bushes. The thunderpath stretched across the land, as it always had. The only thing different was a small monster, a shiny red one, was laying dead on the side of the black stone path. Smoke billowed up into the sky from the monster, and it's stench seemed to seep into the earth. Cricketpaw edged closer, her head low as she tried to slink unnoticed, but Owlstrike grabbed her tail before she could get a paw step closer to the hot mess.

"Have you seen anything like it?" Pinestripe murmured. Frogleap flicked his ears, surprised to see the golden brown blotch tabby was now at his side. He had a narrow face and a slim build, his fur short and sleek over his toned body.

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