Five Times Waspclaw was Alone (and One Time he Wasn't) {Spark}

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I really wanted to do a five-times one shot so here it is!! My characters, my AU. Might contain spoilers for Spark. You've been warned. Also HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF SPARK GUYS!! SEPTEMBER 12!!



      Wasppaw sniffed quietly, drawing his tail tighter toward his body. Sunset light outlined his frame through thin trees and overgrowth. What was he going to do? His eyes drifted down into the valley below him, arching ferns encircling his League's camp. He other apprentices were eating the evening meal, their eyes bright as they spoke with their mentors. The gingery tom tried to become smaller as he hunkered down. His mentor was gone. The great Spruceclaw, the kind and charming Bramble Den tom, was gone. Just... Gone. He had disappeared two days before. The first day, no cat was sure he was gone, but now everyone knew.

      Spruceclaw had abandoned Wasppaw. And now, the young apprentice sat alone with his head in his paws and without a mentor. Aloneness was not a nice feeling.


Wasppaw dug his claws into the moist earth, his eyes shooting daggers into the group of gathering young cats. Mintstar was perched on the small rock outside the bramble den, seven kits bouncing around impatiently at the base of it. Their parents and many other members of the clan were gathered around to watch the six moon old kits become apprentices into their own league.

"I, Mintstar, declare that this new group of apprentices and each of their mentors are now the Thunder League! I wish for each of you young cats to live long, whatever path you wish take." The young leader touched his nose to each apprentice's head, from a mousy brown she-kit all the way down to two siblings, one a dark ginger tabby and the other a messy-furred golden tabby.

     "Hey, Wasppaw!" The gingery-brown tabby tom was snapped out of his thoughts. The other apprentices in his League were circled up, all ready with sleek fur and bright eyes. "Come on, we're next! I'm so ready to be a warrior finally! I wonder if I'll get into the cedar den.. I'll probably be in the bush den, though, until they realize what a great warrior I am! What about you, Wasppaw?" He padded over to his Leaguemates, giving a final glance to the apprentice ceremony. They're the reason Spruceclaw left me. And I bet they don't even care.


       "What..? ..yeah. Sure."


      Waspclaw paced in a circle at the top of a ridge overlooking the river border. His pelt was on end, and even though leaf bare winds were biting at him, he still felt hot. That's it. The rogues just attacked one of our youngest leagues and nearly killed a few.

"If Pipitpaw dies I'll go and kill them all myself." He growled aloud, his claws digging into the cold ground. He clenched his jaws, stopping his angered pacing. "Whether she'd want that, though, is beyond me." He sighed, plopping onto the patchy-grassed ground. Anger probably won't get DrizzleClan anywhere in this fight. That's why the rogues are attacking us in the first place-- anger. That has got to be the reason. Nobody tries to murder an entire clan as big as ours for kicks. If I'm getting mad and wanting to kill... Doesn't that just make me as bad as them?


      It was happening again. Snow flecked his ginger tabby pelt, and his paw pads froze, but as he watched Spruceclaw leave, he didn't feel cold. The first time that dark tabby walked out of his life, he was hurt and pained. Now.. He felt a rush of adrenaline. Happiness. He turned, briefly catching Sparkfur's eye as he went to go look for survivors of the final battle.


      Waspclaw breathed in the musty forest air, the scents of long-gone squirrel and sappy trees filling his senses. The forest was behind him, and he sat on a rock that overlooked the river border. The rising sun lit up above the distant tree tops, shimmering across the river and the lush grasses. This was his territory, his home. His Clan.

       I hope my clanmates think our territory is something special. It supports us and keeps us alive. Sometimes it's all one big power struggle though-- and every cat forgets about the whole point of being in a clan. His cracked jaws picked up the arriving scent of Sparkfur. I know they can all see what I see if they just try. But... We all take it for granted. He could hear the golden she-cat as she climbed up the slope that lead to his perch.


      Waspclaw closed his eyes, warmth flooding his body from tailtip to eartips. Sparkfur lay curled against him, her head against his neck and body curved to fit pressed to him. He breathed in her scent deeply, a mix of wind and fresh, grassy earth. He could faintly hear the wind battering the stone den and cold winds trying to seep into the moss-draped entrance, and he pushed his nose to the top of the ginger tabby's head, never wanting to leave the warm moss nest again.

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