Chapter 5

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It had been about 25 minutes since Felicity left when Roy walked in with a bag of Chinese food.

I was dressed in my suit (not the green one for once) and was only planning on waiting a few more minutes before heading down to the gala.

"Man, what took you so long?" Diggle muttered under his breath grabbing the food from Roy before going to grab a cloth to put down on the operating table.

It had taken us a while, but at some point we realised that no amount of disinfectant could get rid of the smell of blood when we used to eat out food straight from the table.

Roy turned to me, noticing the suit.

"It's really sweet but there's no need to get dressed up in my honour." He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Actually I've got a work date!" I told him.

Diggle fake coughed behind me to cover the words 'with felicity'

Roy's eyes grew large and he let out a dramatic 'oooooohhh.' It was like they were kids teasing me over a girl I liked.

Again I rolled my eyes. "Yes, with Felicity! And I've gotta leave in.... 10 minutes, so I'll have to pass on the food."

"Your loss." Diggle told me, grabbing two plates from a cupboard.

Personally I thought it was stupid to keep plates and cutlery in a secret base but Felicity had insisted.

When she wanted something she was even more stubborn than I was so we now had a cupboard full of dining stuff behind bullet proof glass, a mini fridge/freezer tucked behind a stack of weapons that only ever contained beer and a couple of tubs of ice cream and a microwave built into one of the walls.

She'd even hung little LED lights across the ceiling at Christmas which she said gave our underground base "a santa's grotto kind of feel. Well... If Santa was actually a vigilante with a slightly worrying supply of not so safe weapons hanging from every wall. I swear to God one of these days one of your swords is going to fall from the ceiling and stab me. Or cut me in half. Or slit my throat. Ooh! Maybe we should get some tinsel down here! How do you feel about baubles?....."

Our 'super secret base' was becoming more like a club house!

I sat in Felicity's chair and watched the time until I could leave whilst Roy and Diggle started sorting out there food.

All of a sudden a wailing noise came from Felicity's computer making me jump and her chair again skid halfway across the room.

"What the hell is that?" Roy yelled, coming to stare at the computer.

"Felicity's hacked into the police network, that alarm only ever goes off when there's a serious issue." Diggle explained, taking Felicity's chair and hitting a few keys.

He was a lot slower than Felicity and had to try a couple of times before getting it right but he eventually pulled up the message that was being broadcasted to every cop in the city.

"Hostage situation at the art gallery on 143rd" Diggle relayed and my heart stopped.

"The gala!" I choked out, "Felicity's there."

I ran my hand through my hair, trying to stay calm.

"Thea's there too!" Roy exclaimed.

"What?" I froze. "Thea's back?"

He nodded, "I dropped her off about an hour ago, she said she was going to call you and tell you she was back."

I considered getting angry at him, yelling at him. He was Thea's boyfriend! He was supposed to keep her safe! But I knew that he was panicking as much as I was and that wouldn't help us get them back. Especially as I was already blaming myself every way I could for Felicity.

We both yanked our suits out of their glass cases.

"Diggle we're going down there! I need you to be our eyes!"

He nodded. Out of all of us, he was the only one who agreed to let Felicity teach him the basics of what to do if something ever happened to her.

Roy walked around the corner and came back wearing his suit. "I'll grab the car!" He started, heading for the door.

"No, we'll take the bikes! They're faster and can't be traced if things go bad." He nodded and left.

"Oliver-" Diggle said as I started to walk out.

I turned around. "-Diggle, I'm going to get them back, no matter what methods!" I snapped, anticipating what he was going to say.

He nodded, "I know man, just keep your head on straight right now. Bring our girl home." And with that, I left.


Roy and I were on top of a roof opposite the art gallery within a space of minutes.

The red and green didn't exactly blend in with the concrete building but it was dark enough and high up enough that we probably wouldn't be seen. Either way, right in that moment neither of us actually cared.

All of a sudden my phone started ringing.

"Detective lance?" I picked up, using my 'arrow voice' as Felicity liked to call it.

"We've got a hostage situation on 143rd st." He told me.

"I'm aware, I'm already at the scene!"

"Wow, that was fast. You beat out the EMT's and the hostage negotiators by minutes!" Lance murmured.

"Miss Smoak is inside!" I said, keeping my voice deep.

'Thea too!' Roy mouthed angrily at me from my right.

"Arsenal!" I barked, being careful not to use his real name.

I muted the phone for a minute whilst I turned to him.

"Listen to me! Detective Lance knows about the Arrow's connection to Felicity. If he found out about the connection to Thea too it wouldn't take a genius to find out who both people link back to. We would both be discovered! Do you want that?" I was using my regular voice but it came out just as harsh. "We will get them both out!"

Roy didn't say anything so I unmuted the phone.

"What can I do to help?" Lance asked.

"You can keep your snipers of the west building across the street. Let's just say it's already occupied."

"Understood." He told me before the line went dead.

"We will get them out!" I repeated again. "We will!"


What do you guys think huh? This is about the length of chapter I'm going to stick at for now. There shouldn't be anymore long ones like the first two- at least, not for a while.

Please vote and comment!!!!

~~~~~~~~~ shiv (NCISLA-Frelted) xxx

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