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"Everyone hand over their phones and no one will get hurt!" One of the men yelled.

Felicity and I sat with our backs pressed against the bar, there were close to a hundred people sat in front of us. Some cried whilst others tried to keep them calm, some twitched nervously, terrified for their lives, some whispered to each other in hushed tones, but me, I was frozen solid.

Felicity nudged my foot with her heel. "You okay?" She whispered.

I nodded but I didn't know why. I was anything but okay.

One of the men came round with a large bag and everyone placed their phones inside.

By the time he got to us, I placed mine inside as quickly as I could but Felicity just sat there.

"Give me your phone!" The man spat.

Felicity bit her lip nervously, "I don't have it."

"Stand up!" The man forced her to her feet.

"There are no pockets in this dress and I didn't want to bring a bag so I left my phone at home." She croaked, her voice shaking. "Search me if you want!"

He scanned her up and down for a few moments but didn't bother patting her down before he shoved her back on the floor beside me with a growl.

She let out a sigh of relief as he walked back to his friends.

"Are you alright?" I asked her and she nodded, a ghost of a smile growing at her lips.

"What is it?" I muttered. She waited until the guard that had been scanning the crowd turned away before moving slightly and reaching into the top of her dress and into her bra to pull out her phone.

She buried it quickly in the green material in her lap.

"At least my mom taught me one useful thing." She muttered, the smile growing and then disappearing as if it had never been there when one of the men looked our way.

"What?" I asked her out of the corner of my mouth, not making eye contact.

"Cocktail waitresses aren't exactly known for their sensible outfits so whenever my mom wears something without pockets or she forgets her bag she keeps her phone tucked into the strap of her bra." She explained.

"I need you to keep an eye on the guards, if they turn around, tell me, quick." She muttered, pushing the green material away so she could see the screen of her phone. I nodded.

She unlocked her phone without looking at her screen and even then only glanced down every couple of seconds whilst she typed out a quick message and sent it to 'O'

"Who the hell could you be texting right now?" I asked quietly, every minute or so one of the men turned and I whispered for her to be careful.

"A friend, he can get us out of this. Sorry that's all I can tell you!" She muttered.

Any other time I would've pressed for a better answer but recently I'd heard so many secrets I couldn't handle another so I left it alone.

The typed out another text, so fast I could barely read it, to some guy named Cisco.

In trouble.

Need help.

Connect with base & be ready.

Don't worry Barry.

Not his fight!

She sent it and turned the phone off, squeezing it tight in the palm of her hand.

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