Chapter 12

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"She's my sister!"

Those were the last words I was expecting to here. I studied the woman on the screen.

Her hair was blonde but the roots were showing; she clearly died it. then again, so did Felicity.

She was older than Felicity, at least by a couple of years. The mouth was similar to the one I'd kissed half an hour ago, the nose was slightly bigger, but it was the eyes that sold me, they had the same eyes although Felicity's were softer, kinder. The eyes on the screen were more like mine, or Diggle's, or Sara's; ones that had seen hell.

There was a scar that ran in a curve from her forehead down to her cheek, lots of little tattoos marked the edges, making it stand out even more. It was obviously a point of pride.

"You have a sister?" Roy asked the question that no one wanted to be the one to ask.

"No... Yeah... Kinda. Not in the way that counts. Only by blood- and even then only half. We have the same mom, her dad left when she was born like mine did, I guess my mom really doesn't have a good taste in men-" she started rambling, trying to get off the topic.

"Felicity." I said firmly and I winced at the harshness in my voice.

"sorry, sorry." she muttered "Her name's Melissa - I'm guessing that's why she wrote MS on those guys...." she took a breath, looking around at the crowd that surrounded her. Me, Dig, Roy, Sara, and Laurel who'd been running late and only showed up a few minutes ago.

"Mel's 4 years older than me. From when I was 10 onwards she practically raised me, our mom was always working, trying to make sure we had enough, you don't exactly make a lot as a cocktail waitress! She used to help me with my homework, she taught me how to code until I got better than her." she let out a small laugh that soon disappeared when her gaze fell again to the dead men, her sister's initials forever carved into their skin.

"When she was 16 she changed. She started hanging around with some bad people, she started drinking, doing drugs. Mom spent every penny we had to send her to rehab and when she got out we though she was better but.... one day mom was working late and I was meant to be at a sleepover, she was supposed to have the house to herself. She had one of her friends over, they were both part of some gang and me and my mom were oblivious. The boy was meant to bring her drugs but she couldn't pay..." she gulped and I knew whatever was coming next wasn't good.

She croaked out her words, not lifting her eyes from the floor. "She started yelling at him, screaming. He grabbed her arms, he tried to calm her down so she started fighting him, she grabbed a kitchen knife off a counter and she... she stabbed him twice in the chest!" she rushed, as if saying it quick enough would make it less real.

"The thing is, I was sick that night and my friend's parents dropped me off at home. I thought Mel would be mad at me if I knocked the door and woke her up so I climbed in through the kitchen window... I saw the whole thing. If I hadn't called the police he would've died. His name was Benjamin Cooper, he was just over my age, he began running drugs for gangs to try and help his mom get out of debt. I testified at Mel's trial and she was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. She was only 17 so she was charged as a minor, given half the sentence she should've had. she was released last month."

No one said anything and the silence stretched out, her hand started shaking so I cupped it in mine.

"Hey," I whispered , brushing a strand of hair away that had fallen over her eyes "you did the right thing!"

Her expression went blank." I know I did." She said monotone. "So... How do we catch her?"



The girl who did all that wasn't my sister. Well, of course she was but as far as I was concerned, I'd lost my sister the day she hurt someone. The girl that was left was a stranger.... A sick stranger.

I pulled open the draw on my desk and dug through a load of crumpled up papers until I found a bundle of letters at the bottom. My hands shook as I passed them to Oliver.

The letters started arriving a week after she was incarcerated, at first they were cruel, so cruel that I burnt the first few without fully reading them but after that they got calmer as she worked out her rage.

Still, eventually I stopped reading them, they were basically monthly updates, telling me how hard it was, how sad she was, how she wanted to come home.

She wanted my sympathy.

Or maybe just my support. Either way she wouldn't get it, not after what she did.

The one that sat on top was the most recent, she sent it only a couple of weeks ago, the first one she sent from the outside.

Oliver ripped it open, pulling out a letter, it was shorter than the others. This one only had one word, printed in large black letters across the page:


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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