chapter 1: what's going on?

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" beep, beep, ting, boop, beep" the rhythmic sounds of hospital machines fill my ears. I have woken up a few times since the first, but this is the first time i have been able to tune into my surroundings. I'm in a hospital room connected to tons of machines all making different sounds at different times, it's actually quite relaxing.
I still have no idea how I got here our why I am here . I realize I should focus on what I do know ; my name is Sarah Kraige, I'm 13 years old, I have a little brother named David and he's 9, my mom's an accountant and my dad stays home to take care of David and I, I live in Toronto Canada on Harper road, I
"Good morning Sarah" I hear interrupting my train of thought. It's a nurse, she is short with long dark hair and Brown eyes, she takes one look at me then nearly jumps out of her skin "she's awake! Sarah is awake! It's a miracle! Yahoo! I better go get Dr.Raylind" and with that she stumbles out if the room. What's going on? Why is it such a miracle that I'm awake? Hopefully I'll get some answers from the doctor.

"Oh my, it isn't a trick, its real, she's awake!" says a tall dark skinned woman, she has a frizzy black afro and long nails painted purple, I'm assuming she's the doctor. " Go call Mr. and Mrs. Kraige " she tells the nurse " I'll stay here with Sarah". She sits on the side of my bed "hello Sarah, you have no idea how happy i am to see you awake" she squeals "where am i?" I finally ask but it seems much harder to talk than usual " and what happened?"

"Your at the Toronto hospital and as for what happened, it's a long story which i will tell you, but right now i need to ask you some questions" ask me some questions????? For everything that's going on i think i deserve my questions answered before i answer anyone else's, but of coarse i follow along "so Sarah, can you feel this?" she asks as she taps my leg " yes" i reply "great, now can you try moving your foot for me please?" why is she asking me to move my foot? I try but for some reason it's so hard, it takes all of the energy i have and i finally do, but why was it so hard? Dr. Raylind is about to ask something else when two people storm into the room followed by the nurse from earlier , both of them are crying and then i realise why. There my parents. But why do they look so old? They have white hair and way more wrinkles than i remember. All of this strikes the new question. How long was i really asleep for?

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