chapter 3: I love you

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It's been about 30 minutes of crying into her shoulder. I still cant believe I've been in a coma ever since January 16, 2003 . that's more than ten year. Ten years of my life that I will never get back, ten years of my life wasted all because of a stupid coma.

I sit up and take my head off of Dr. Raylinds shoulder. I look up at her eyes, red and puffy just how I imagine mine look."how?" i ask.
" You were standing on the sidewalk across from the school when a careless, drunk driver came speeding around the corner and rammed right into you. You were rushed to the hospital and have been in a coma ever since". I don't know what to think, i am flustered , that one careless man ruined my life but for some reason I'm not mad at him, for some reason I'm mad at myself, my body, I'm mad at it for shutting down, why did I shut down? Why for ten years? I'm so frustrated i just want to punch something. Dr. Raylind seems read my mind and hands me a pillow. After i let out my anger on that poor pillow, i ask

" what else happened? What other damage was done?"
" you've had multiple surgeries since then, but you are completely recovered by now. You are going to need therapy too get your muscles back into shape after ten years of not using them at all" . At Least I won't need anymore treatment.

The door opens and in walk my parents. I give my mom a big hug "I love you" she whispers into my ear "I love you too" I whisper back.

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