Middas, 11:05 AM, 20th of Last Seed, 4E 201

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   It felt like my veins froze, they pulsed with each breath i took. I have to get to a safe spot and drink a healing potion before my blood stops flowing.  Dodging left and right was tiring, sprinting away might work. I launched my self forward while pulling a small red potion from my satchel, i downed it. My wounds, almost instantly, healed.  A gold glow focused around my wound, mending it with ease. My blood began to flow once again. When i felt my foot hit the ground i turned sharply and swung my sword focusing all my power behind me. The sword hit something hard and drove right through it. The reanimated corpse stood there with my sword lodged in it's rib cage, it collapsed to the ground. The fight was over, i stood there, all i could hear was my heart pounding. Finally i calmed down, the sound of running water hit my ears once again. What a peaceful sound. I looted the body, finding his enchanted sword and taking it. It looked the same as mine, aside from the fact that it's glowing, like frost reflecting in the evening light. I also found the stone that Farengar sent me here to get, at least this wasn't in vein. I decided to dual wield the sword i looted from the body and the  one i found earlier. Before i left i re-examined the giant stone wall with carvings on it and looted the chest sitting in front of the curved it.

   I wandered up the stairs to the left of tomb, they lead to a short tunnel that turned out to be a dead end. I noticed a stand with a lever on it that required me to pull it up and twist it, when i did that the stone to the left began to move. I could hear stone rubbing across stone as the heavy door was lifted into the top of the cavern. Cautiously, i walked through the opening. A small rocky tunnel lead to a room, i jumped off the ledge i was on to reach a chest. There was a potion of water breathing in it, this might come in handy i thought as i stuffed it into my leather bag.  Beside it was a carved stone alter with mountain flowers and a skull, creepy. There's even a snowberry wreath below it. The quicker i get out of here the better. 

 I made it out of the Barrow, as i walked out of the small crack that lead outside a cold burst of air hit my lungs. Clean air, that's refreshing, even the sun is shining. I walked down the dirt hill that was covered with pine needles. A lake was calmly flowing just below the hill, there are some sort of ruins sticking out from under it. Well, i thought, looks like i'm going swimming. Swimming was fun enough, even if i'm decked out in armor, but of course, there are slaughterfish in here. They taunted me, i taunted back. They swam closer, i made my move, swinging my new swords and dicing them with ease. The ruins themselves were pretty boring, all i found was some gold. 

   I continued through the forested area and came across a small cabin. An old lady named Anise owned it, she was very nice, which was a good change for me. Not even three feet away from her house i was rudely stopped by four bandits. I ran towards Anise's house hoping she could help me, she did. We fought side by side, two of the bandits were tough, i had to drink multiple potions in order to stay alive. They were no match for me....and my potions of healing...... it's a good thing i looted so many. I ran over to the other two bandits, one an archer and the other a coward that ran when he saw me. They were easy to end, i then realized i didn't know where Anise was. I searched for her while running towards the cabin. "No, no it can't be." Beside the cottage i could see something blue in the grass, i paused then slowly dragged my feet over to it. My eyes widened, looking straight down beside my feet, i found Anise. She wasn't moving, or breathing...... Serves me right for befriending someone. The forest tree's brushed against the wind and the water echoed against the mountain directly above me. Anise's cabin sat there in the breeze, not making a sound. I walked over to it, my head hung low. I wandered inside, my feet made the rotten wood creek. I searched the small cabin and found a book that spoke of alchemy, she was a mage through and through. Beside her bed was a trap door, most odd. The door had a lock on it, easy to break though. I pushed the straw off it and lifted the wooden square door. A small ladder lead to a little room that contained an alchemy lab and an arcane enchanter. Anise wasn't as Innocent as she looked, but she was still pretty cool. I looked over at a cabinet with a small torn note on it. Curiously i walked over to it to read it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2016 ⏰

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