Day 1 - 17th of Last Seed, 4E 201

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I woke up in a carriage, dazed and confused. There was a man across from me, he started to talk, i can't remember what he said though. We arrived at Helgen, me, Ralof, a horse thief and someone called Ulfric. I still didn't understand the situation till i got off the carriage....we were all to be executed. They called us off the carriage and took our names down. "Empire loves their damn lists." Ralof mumbled, I herd a deep anger for the imperials in his voice. When they called Lokir up (horse thief) he tried to make a run for it, it didn't end so well. I know  what not to do now at least. A soldier named Hadvar asked who i was "i'm Mixa" i said still dazed. 

"captain. what should we do? She's not on the list" Hadvar said while looking at the captain

"Forget the list. She goes to the block" The captain said with a angry tone

Well that's not very nice, i thought to my self. Hadvar seemed truly sorry for me though. I  walked to a line in front of the block. The general, named Tulius, started some sort of speech to Ulfric, why bother with a speech? Just get it over with, all us prisoners have the same fate here. Some sort of roar came from outside the village, what was that? I could feel some sort of fear, like i needed to live, i needed to get out of here. But how? The first prisoner was called up, he  brushed of the blessing a priestess was attempting to give him. CRUNCH. The unforgettable sound of metal through flesh and bone pierced my ears. I closed my eyes so i wouldn't see anything, but what i herd was worse. "Next, the Wood elf." My body felt like dashing, but i knew that would end badly, so i walked slowly to the blood stained stone where i lay my head. I wanted to close my eyes, but i couldn't. The executor raised his giant ax, i could feel my fear pumping through my veins. Suddenly a earth shattering roar came from above, What in oblivion was that! A huge winged black beast landed on the tower above us, a dragon! the shock knocked the ax out of the executors hands. Now is my chance, i need to run! The ebony dragon hit me with some sort of attack, i fell to my knees again. I herd a familiar voice shout at me, it's Ralof "Hey, wood elf. Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance!" No joke! i got up and ran towards him. i followed Ralof into a part of the Helgen keep. I could still hear roaring, yelling and crashing outside. Ralof spoke to Ulfric who also made it to the keep. "Jarl Ulfric! What is that thing? Could the legends be true?"

 "Legends don't burn down villages. We need to move. Now!" He shouted 

"Up through the tower, let's go!"

I ran up the stairs, i herd something out side "Yor...Toor..Shul!" Crash! something demolished the wall in front of me, a wall of fire exploded in front of me then the black beast flew away only to circle back. The way up the tower was blocked. 

" See the inn on the other side? Jump through the roof and keep going! Go! We'll follow when we can!" I was already in the inn by the time he finished the sentence. i jumped down through a hole in the house and ran into the street. Hadvar! he was yelling at a boy to get out of the firing range of the ebony monstrosity. The boy made it, thanks to Hadvar. Hadvar had me follow him through the burning road, once i started to run i couldn't stop. We were going into a alley when he exclaimed "Stay close to the wall!" The beast landed on the wall, knocking me back into the cold stone. When the horned dragon flew off once more Hadvar ran forward again. He sounded different this time, more commanding and confident. 

"Quickly, follow me!" I nodded and pushed off the wall with all my might. we ran through another collapsed building. Some sort of force hit me in the back, i was pushed to the ground, it took me a second to focus again. i got up and found Hadvar yelling me "It's you and me, prisoner. Stay close! Ralof! You damned traitor. Out of my way!"

"We're escaping, Hadvar. You're not stopping us this time." Ralof yelled with fiery 

"Fine. I hope that dragon takes you all to Sovngarde." 

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