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There were three. When the first came, they knew they had been blessed. He had across his chest the mark of a king in golden lines, and he would become heir to the throne. His father, the current king, looked down with pride at his new son.

And then came a girl, and she had on her arm the mark of a wise woman. The Witchnurse nodded at the child, foreseeing kingdoms saved by the child's words. She would be invaluable to the future of her brother.

But they weren't done. The Queen struggled to deliver the last child into the world, her heart beating quickly. She tried to focus on her breathing, but it was hard - especially with everyone bustling about and that persistent raven pecking at the window.

Because they were having triplets, they had called the Witchnurse to attend to ensure the safety of the mother. The Witchnurse was skilled enough to delivered triplets and still have the mother live. However, the king became worried. Three children? Unheard of. It is the children of devils who cheat birth. I am no devil, but this child...

  And then came the scream.  

The first two children were beautiful replications of their parents, light hair and eyes, and fair skin, a prince and princess of perfection.

The nurse trembled as she held the third child in her hand. He was nothing like the other two, he had dark wispy hair and dark sapphire eyes. His skin was as fair as his parents, but it looked silvery beneath his hair.

And he did not cry.

But the Witchnurse screamed for a different reason. Across his face was his birthmark. It was a stark black intricate design dominating his features, and as they looked, it appeared to swirl like ink in water. He wasn't destined to be a prince, a wizard, or a friend. He was fated to become a murderer.

The King summoned the Council and conversed with the elders for six and a half hours.

After that night, the King and the Queen only had two children.  

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