Chapter 1

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(Pic is Jeydon and Hannah)


  “Jeydon, wake the fuck up!”

  “Ugh,” I grumbled, shoving my face into my pillow trying to go back to sleep. Sadly, that didn't work... Hannah ripped my pillow away from me and continued to violently beat me with it. I got up, stole back my pillow, and threw it across the room.

  Hannah is my best friend. We've been best friends since 7th grade when I spilled my soda on her by accident and let her borrow my jacket.

  “Get ready!” She yelled, jumping up and down. Oh yeah, we have school. Ugh. I don't see why Hannah likes that place...

  I got out of bed and dragged myself into my bathroom, occasionally bumping into the wall and tripping on things on the floor.

  I took a shower and got dressed into a pair of skinny jeans, some random shirt, and a pair of sneakers. After I fixed my hair, I ran downstairs only to see Hannah standing there, looking impatient.

  “Finally!” She yelled, rolling her eyes, causing me to roll mine. I didn't take that long.

  “Let's just go," Hannah said, grabbing my arm trying to pull me. I laughed at her attemp and said, “Fine!”

  Right as we were about to leave, I heard a loud, “Meow,”.

 “Hold on, Hannah,” I told her. She rolled her eyes.

  “I don't see why you love that thing so much. It's annoying and stupid,” I just ignored her. Hannah HATED cats. She used to like cats until a cat scratched her face when she was seven.

  “Hey, Sammi. I know you don't like it when I leave, but I have to.I'll be back soon, I promise,” I said, smiling, bending down to pet my cat,Sammi. She purred while Hannah scoffed,rolling her eyes. I still don't gat why Hannah still hated cats. It was a just a small scratch that happened years ago. Can't she just get over it? Just because she hates cats doesn't mean I have to.

  “Come on, Jey!” Hannah whined. I rolled my eyes, getting back up muttering a ,“Fine,”.

  I said bye to Sammi before closing the door.

  “I still don't see why you like that thing so much...It's just a cat...” Hannah randomly said, while were getting into my car. I rolled my eyes.

 “She may be a cat but I love her. She keeps me company so I don't feel alone and she can't judge me.Sammi's one of the best things that's ever happened to me.” I replied, making Hannah roll her eyes, but stay silent for the rest of the ride.


 Right now, I was currently driving home with Hannah. School was boring. I still don't see why Hannah likes that place. I'll have to ask her about that later. Right now, I have to drop her off or her parents will be mad.

  “Later, Hannah!” I called out to her as she got out of my car.

  Now, I get to see my precious Sammi.

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