Chapter 2

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  Finally, I made it home. After I parked my car, I dug in my pocket, pulling out my house key. I turned the knob, closed the door after I walked in, and ran to my room.

  “Sammi!” I greeted my cat, picking her up and stroking her fur. She purred happily and snuggled into my chest.

  I set her down and walked into the kitchen where I saw a note on the table.

  Hey, Jey. Your father and I are visiting a couple of our friends. Won't be back 'till tomorrow. There's pizza in the fridge. Love you! -mom

    I sighed. They're pretty much never home. They're either at work, visiting some friends or family, or at a party.

  I grabbed the pepperoni pizza from the fridge, putting it on a plate and into the microwave for a minute. When it dinged, I let it cool before plopping down on the couch, stuffing the pizza in my mouth. Mhmm this is delicious.

  I turned the TV on and watched while Sammi jumped into my lap. Then, I thought of something.

  “Hey, Sammi, want to go somewhere?” I asked my cat even though she couldn't talk. She only purred, rubbing her head on my chest. At times like these, I wish Sammi was a human. It'd be nice to have another friend besides Hannah. But that would never happen. I sighed.

  I picked up Sammi with my left hand and opened the door. I carried her to my car, setting her in the passenger seat.

  “Let's go to the old park,” There was a old, abandoned park a couple blocks away. A few years ago, everyone used to go to that park. You would alwys see kids swinging, laughing, or playing tag. That all changed when they built a new, better park across town. Now no one goes to this park. Well, except me.

  Sometimes, I like to go to the park because it's nice and quiet. I usually go there to clear my head or when I'm stressed out. Sometimes I just go there for no reason.

  I parked my car in the vacant parking lot. I picked up Sammi and carried her out of the car to 'my spot'. It's just a hill with a large tree.

  I lied down in the grass with Sammi for a couple hours. I didn't even bother texting Hannah. We just lied there, gazing up at the stars. Well, Sammi was really just snuggling into my neck. I loved it out here, even though I was really more of an indoor person. All of a sudden I saw a shooting star.

  “Look, Sammi! A shooting star! Make a wish,” even though she was only a cat. I closed my eyes and made a wish.

  I wish Sammi was a human.

  I sighed. That would never come true but it's worth a shot, I guess. A man can dream.

  I checked my phone. 7:43. I should probably go home now. I picked up Sammi and carried her to the car.

    Soon, we made it home. Locking the door, I set Sammi down and she followed me to my room. I plopped down on my bed after removing my shirt and jeans. I was tired.

  Sammi hopped onto my bed and lied down beside me.

  “G'night, Sammi.”


    I'm so glad it's Saturday, now I don't have to woken up by Hannah.

  I crawled out of bed and walked downstairs. The first thing I did was open the fridge. I'm starving. Ugh, we have nothing to eat.

  “Mom?!” I yelled. I still didn't know if they were home yet. No answer. They're either still gone, or sleeping.

  Since we have no food and my parents are either gone or sleeping, I decided to just go back to my room.

  “Who the hell are you?!” I walk into my room only to see a naked girl, wrapped around my blankets, sleeping, who woke up when I yelled.

  “Meow,” What. The. Fuck.

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