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He's a little baffling, that redhead. I don't really know what to make of him, always rushing places and yelling and 'bwah'ing and 'gyu'ing and jumping. He's a good kid, though. Guess he's sorta like a cute little sibling that you can't help feeling happy around. I shake my head as he runs off, pedaling away on his bike.

. . .

"Noya-san, can you help coach me on my receives?" The ginger calls out, running over to me immediately after a lap of chest dives.

"Ah, yeah, sure. You want me to get Asahi to serve for us?" I ask, though I'm going to make him no matter what Asahi-san's answer is.



The brunette looks up and makes a face as if my yelling either hurts his ears or his feelings.

"Hah?? What is it?" He doesn't move from his spot across the gym, probably because he doesn't want to make the effort to come back.

"I want you to serve for the baby crow!"

"Ba-baby crow?" Hinata repeats, shocked at the nickname.

"Yeah!" I tell him, smiling. "'Cause you're the smallest one here."

Hinata makes a face and yells loudly in attempt to defend himself.

"I'm a whole four centimeters taller than you!! How am I the smallest?"

He's so loud, kinda like the birds that chirp in the morning. I hate those things, but I don't mind Shouyou's voice at all.

"Well, it's cause you're the youngest between us! And you just wait, I'll be taller than you in a few months!"

"Well...knowing how awesome you are, Noya-san, I'm sure you're right!!"

I laugh confidently. "Of course I'm right, Shouyou!!"

I pat his back and he nods enthusiastically.

Asahi sighs, then walks over to grab a ball. After dragging himself back into the court, he prepares his body for the serve, regaining his focus. He jump serves with incredible force and Shouyou hesitates before going after the ball.

"You can't be scared, Shouyou! Just go for it!" I yell.


Yachi-san cheers him on from the sidelines too.

I give Shouyou a nod and he dives for the ball, but it breaks his defense and his the ground.

"Dang it, what am I doing wrong?"

I stay quiet for a moment, assessing the previous play. Shouyou has a similar body type to mine, so I should be able apply the same techniques.

"Hey, Shouyou."


"Can you get to a receive position?" I ask.

"Yeah, of course!"

Shouyou sets himself into place and I look him over. I walk toward him and stand behind, correcting the placement of his arms with my own. I look over his shoulder to make sure it's right.

"You really have to lock your arms out when you're doing this, Shouyou."

"Y-YES!" he yells.

"Why are you screaming?"


It doesn't really hit me until then that he sounds embarrassed and that our bodies are pressed together.

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