Go for it

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"Mom!! Why did you tell Natsu! You know she has a big mouth!" I accuse.

"What? Shou-chan, I didn't tell her anything!"

"Onii-chan, wasn't that your team's libero?" my sister asks innocently.

"Eh? You weren't talking about-- oh my god, I'm an idiot," I sigh, thinking about how I may just have revealed to Noya-san that he's the one I'm crushing on.

"But mom, seriously. This is big kid stuff! Don't let Natsu start thinking it's okay for her to have a boyfriend!" Or girlfriend, I add in my head. I look to my innocent little sister and smother her with kisses. She's just so cute I can't stop myself. "Keep my baby sis pure! No dating until you're like...14!" I would've said my age but I did have a girlfriend in middle school, and I couldn't be hypocritical.

I let Natsu run off while my mind wanders back to my slip-up.

Geez. Nice going. Maybe I'll ask Kageya-- okay, no. He's even dumber than I am when it comes to people.

"Ooooooh!!!" I wrack my brain trying to thing of someone to talk to that isn't clueless. And isn't Kenma because he's...not exactly that encouraging. And he doesn't really understand my enthusiasm over Noya-san. Who could I possibly--

. . .

"Tsukishima!!" I yell into my cell phone as soon as I hear the receiving end pick up, "You're gay, right?!"

Oops. That was loud. I can almost hear him glaring at me.

"What do you want, Ginger? And why would you just assume I'm-- never mind," I hear him sigh. I take that as a yes.

"Okay well, I know you know I like Noya-san--"


"And you're really analytical so I figured you'd be able to tell if he--"

"He knows. If you slipped up, he knows."

"You're really not much help! This doesn't make me feel better at all," I whine. I shouldn't have called him.

"Yamaguchi says he thinks you shouldn't worry so much."

"Are you...am I interrupting something??" I probe, trying to sneak information out of him.

"No. Look, just...be yourself. You've gotten plenty of people to fall for you by doing so. And if he finds he just can't be into guys, or you, then you'll just have to continue to watch him from afar. And it'll suck, watching him develop feelings for other people when you're right there and drowning in feelings yourself-- Shut up, Yamaguchi," he mutters under his breath, before answering me, "-- But you'll have to come to terms with it."

"Well that's oddly specific. And it didn't exactly make me feel better."


"Uwooooh!! An apology for Tsukishima--?"

"Shut up. I don't think it matters whether or not he found out. Noya-san doesn't really seem like the type who would do anything about it. Not unless you put him in a position where he'd have to address it."

"So, what should I do then?" I ask, eagerly.

"Whatever the fuck you want, but it might be best to stay friends at the moment so he has time to process or something, maybe."

"Thanks, Tsukishima!" I exclaim, smiling into the phone.

"Yeah whatever, ugly. I gotta go."

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