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"I know," he says, staring at me with a small smirk on his face.

"You know?" I respond, caught off guard. I was so busy trying to get out my confession that I couldn't process his words until this moment, and I realize what it is he means he knows.

"You like me, right?" he asks.

Hearing it come from his lips is so much more embarrassing than I thought. He knows. But how long has he known??? And how does he know? I figured he'd never suspect I'd talk to him about himself!!

"...I..." I can't find words.

"It's okay. I think it's really cute how you avoid my gaze and blush from embarrassment. And the way you look at me...it's so earnest." I look away.

"But aren't you weirded out by it? I'm your friend, but I want more."

"No. I told you, I think it's cute."

Wahhh, he keeps staring at me and I can't handle it. I'm already really embarrassed. I feel like my heart is like GWAAAHHH and BUUUU and uWAHhhHHH all at once right now, I can't calm down at all!!! This is so awkward! I wasn't even planning to confess! Stupid Shouyou, you let the adrenaline get to your head!! Idiot! I'm such an idiot!

"So cute I could just eat you right up!"

Gosh, he's got such a bright smile on his face. How long is he going to toy with me? Or is that his answer? That I'm too cute to be seen as a lover? Does he just think of me like a younger sibling??



"I really like you."

He doesn't respond for a moment.

"Remember when you told me you thought you weren't good enough?" he asks.

I nod. "You told me I was."

"Yeah, you are."

"I am?"

He just said it, why am I repeating!! You stupid idiot Shouyou!

"Yeah, and I'm a big idiot for not realizing sooner."

I'm not really sure where he's going with this, and I'm pretty confused about what he's trying to tell me.

"Izumi-kun was taller than you, right?"

Huh? What does any of this have to do with Izumi-kun??

Noya-san gets up from the table and comes around to me. I look up at him.

"I know I'm dense, but you're even worse than me."

He reaches for my face and tilts my chin upward.

"You're cute," he reiterates. "I wasn't really sure what to do at first, but...the way you look at me, the way you react to being close, and just... everything about you in general."

He leans forward and kisses me, leaving me in shock.

"You're just so cute. And I found myself...unknowingly reciprocating your feelings."


"Um, N-Noya-san, are you joking? I...I thought you liked girls!!"

He chuckles.

"Were you even listening or are you just still too in shock?"

"The latter," I respond immediately, even though I'm not sure I've processed any of what just happened.

Noya-san sits down beside me.

"I really like you too," he says. "This is...new for me, though, so I'm sorry if I say something wrong or do something you don't like."

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