Chapter Three: The Visitor

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After Dr. Folly gave me a thorough examination of my eyes and body in my room, he said I should be ready to leave in two days tops, so far everything other than my eyes are normal and gave me glasses, despite it being three years and I still feel like my throat is still being strangled, I could still feel it, it's kind of nerve-racking but I slowly got over it, but what I didn't get over was the fact that I was choked, by my damn father, oh he's going to answer to me when I see him that bastard as I was thinking in a fit.

"You'll be fine."

A mysterious voice I've never heard before, tho I wish I did because he sounds cute and smells kinda fresh and candy-like as if he was bathing in bubblegum and delicious flavored fruits, hmm I just want to eat him until I realize.

"Would you like some gum?" the guy said while sticking a piece of gum towards my nose. "It's right in front of your face if you can feel it." oddly enough I felt someone's hand near my face and that damn gum just ruined my imagination of what I thought he smelled of. He smells like someone spilled coffee on him and then later tried to cover it up with Febreeze or Bounce.

"You'll have to excuse the smell; I bumped into a guy on the way up here who spilled coffee on my clothes and then I had to wipe it away with sanitize wipes from the front desk." He said defending himself.

Did he just read my mind, because if he did than that is invasion of privacy or am I literally going crazy?

"Um, thanks for the gum" as I took it from his hand, it was a bit chewy yet kind of stale, as if it was in someones pocket for three weeks, laundry it and then found it and ate it. "It's kind of stale." I spoke as I'm trying to get over the flavorless taste of the gum and then spitting it out.

"You're welcome, I found it in one of the laundry back there as I was walking to your room" he said in a calm, polite manner as if he's done this before many times, he sounds very sociable and doesn't seemed bother by taking something that was in the hospitals laundry bin.

"EW, THAN WHY MAKE ME EAT IT." I yelled in disgusted.

"Well I didn't have anything else to give you, I'm sorry." expressing his apologies in a delicate way, feeling not really guilty but trying not to make me mad.

"Wait a minute, who the hell are you and why are you in my room, leave now or I'll call the doctors or security, or so help me I'll karate your ass here myself" making my hands into a chopping formation and chopping the air pretty much missing everything or nothing even close to hitting him. "Its fine, I'm here to help you. You'll be schedule for surgery next month and think of me as your personal trainer." Still calm and is pretty amused by me.

"Trainer, Surgery, dude I don't know who you are but get out." I was starting to get annoyed by this idiot who is starting to bug me. "Your face is red" he pointed out. "What do you want and what do you mean trainer?" I was curious.

"You'll find out soon enough, in the meantime try not to hurt yourself doing air karate you might just hurt someone with that." He said as he was walking out.

"WAIT!, WHO ARE YOU?" I didn't care how loud I was I just wanted answers and he left before I could get any.

"Missy sweetie, I have to get to work you won't mind being all by yourself here now would you." Her voice this time was more direct than motherly, did something happened?

"Yeah sure, I'll be fine, Hey Mom you wouldn't happen to see anyone coming to visit me or you know randomly walking into my room." I hinted

"Um I'm not sure, but the only person who came to visit you was your best friend Rumor. Other than that no one else, listen Sweetie I got to go." She said while walking towards me and giving me a kiss on the forehead. "You'll be alright, the nurses will check up on you and Oh, I have surgery prepared just for you next month, I managed to pull some strings and you'll be able to see in no time. Well I have to go, bye bye" and just like that she was gone with the wind.

Rumor, *sighs* my ex-best friend Rumor to be exact and her girly squad The Rumettes, I've known all of them since the fourth grade, Rumor than is totally different from Rumor now like she's come a long way same goes for her little rascals who follow her, they were just three different girls who had three different styles with three different personalities, now they've act like they were from a Stepford Housewives meets Mean Girls movie.

I mean seriously Rumor was my best friend and her three new best friends Charlie, Evergrace, and Jayla were just ordinary girls I've known since fourth grade, everything changed when they left on that school field trip that I couldn't go to in sixth grade because I had the flu and next thing I heard there was suddenly a school bus accident near the bridge, only four survived and you guessed it, Rumor and her Rumettes survived, but it's not like some horror movie where they were unscathed, they each nearly died and had to have surgery asap.

Since then I've never been able to hang out with her or talk to her, she had been ignoring me and when she does talk to me she bullies me to the point of wanting to commit suicide, but that's just not my style, if I do die, I want it to be EPIC. Not that I'm planning on dying anytime soon.

"What to do, what to do. Ugh I'm so bored I want to watch TV or check my phone, hey where is my phone." I turned my head left to right hoping that my phone was somewhere near me or I think there in the closet. This is going to be a long night.

Or so I thought.

"You look bored. Need company."

Hey that voice. "You're back, now I want to ask you something." I quickly replied.

"Sure fire away" he said while walking towards a chair just to pull it up next to me on my right.


I jumped out of bed to grab his shirt and just by the sound of his voice he squeaked a bit followed by a grunt. I pulled him closely, "Who are you and how did you get in my room without opening the doors, the doors squeaked and there was no squeaking." I let this guy have it, raising my voice demanding him to tell me who he is and why he has been visiting me unexpectedly and talking like he knows me. "Tell Me."

"Well. Do you really wanna know." poking fun at me as I have my hands around his neck after grabbing his shirt, seemingly amused by how I managed to quickly catch him.

"Tell Me" even though I have no idea who I'm talking to.

"Well, feel my back and tell me what do you think I am." flirting his way out my grip, I didn't trust him but just out of curiosity, I slid my right hand to his back and there I felt something, something odd.

"Keep touching."

I feel feathers, It felt like wings.

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