Chapter Four: The Strangers

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Touching the stranger's wings felt rubbery, kind of feathery well duh they are wings, wings of a chicken I thought. "How do I know these aren't real?" I muttered in his ear as I had my entire body nearly over his head just to feel the wings of this strange guy. I could smell the coffee stain the longer I held on to his head near my chest as I'm trying to feel his wings, for some reason having him near my chest felt comforting as if I had my very own guardian angel to hug and keep me company.

Nevertheless, I've held him long enough in my chest which is why I should probably let go otherwise he would have suffocated and died and went straight to Heaven and be back in time to be mysterious again.

"eitz pekuz tz eel" his muffled voice was blurring out his words due to being stuck to my chest. "Oh sorry, now what were you saying." I pushed him off my chest and back on his seat where he nearly fell off the metallic chair as it scratched the floor going backwards.

"I said, that's because it's real. These are real angel wings and I'm kind of like an angel." his tone wasn't too pleased when he said that but he still tried to give some feeling to it, trying to make it sound like everything's fine.

"Everything's not fine." he immediately responded to my thoughts out loud.

" You can read minds you liar, you know for an angel you sure are a liar and now I don't trust you, get out." I turned away and crossed my arms in a stubborn, childish way.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it." his soft, apologetic voice gave me chills but I still didn't turn his way. I did it again; I keep forgetting to react to what I wanted to say so turned to him "Hey wait, who are you and why do you keep bothering me, and don't say you're some kind of trainer because that's bullshit and what do you mean everything's not fine, what the hell is going on around here." I raised my voice to make a statement with my questions.

"In time you'll know, I'll tell you everything when I see you again." he said as he was walking to the door, this time he actually opened it and I assumed he left. That prick didn't answer any of my questions, ugh why can't it be two days already, I just want to get out of here it's pissing me off. I gently fell back on my bed, closed my eyes, sighed and just a few minutes I dozed off.



.............................. BOOM




That loud sound shocked me and I wasn't sure what the hell was going on but panicking wasn't one of my attributes just anger and being odd. I hurriedly hopped out of bed and hoped nothing was in front of me to trip or make a lot of noises, my hands were struggling moving left and right making sure I'm in the clear. Then I made it to the window, I could feel the glass and trying to find the locks but couldn't find any.


That sounded like a gunshot, but it wasn't, I don't know what's going on but being blind isn't helpful it's actually making it complicated to see what or where to go, my ears are a little busy buzzing from that loud sound that it's trying to numb my body from moving, that's not going to stop me.



The sound got closer and closer from outside my room, now was able to hear footsteps and they made squeaky sounds as if they were wearing slippers that made noises when wet. Then I heard it, the rustling of the door, what do I do, I felt a recliner while feeling next to the window and hid behind it, dang it I wish I could see I could have taken them on but I'm at a disadvantage here, I can't sense the objects in my surrounding like some kind of Earth Bender, the only thing I could do was stay calm and if I do get caught well I hope this bitch pulls me close to him.

Squeak the door hinges made a noise indicating that someone was opening the door, I could hear the stranger walking in, the sound of their shoes doesn't sound heavy it was very quiet and a bit squeaky I think they might be wearing flip-flops or sandals or maybe sneakers that are super clean making rubber ducky noises. Oh how I wish I was Ernie right now and that the person looking for me was nothing more than just a big jolly old yellow bird, instead I have to hide from whoever's wearing flip-flops, FLIP-FLOPS!.

"Hello, Anyone in here. I'm with the sheriff's department, I can help you." The stranger was kind enough to give me the heads up on his location, he was near the TV and almost close to the bathroom, he kept asking the same thing with a calm and innocent voice, he almost sounded like Officer Grayden, you know the officer and his son who were thrown in jail for something I did and ended up defecating in the prison cell while his son threw up.

"HELLO. My name is Sheriff Grayden and I mean no harm, the problem outside has been taken care of. So if there is anyone in here please come out, everything is going to be okay." Again in a calm and gentle tone, I still didn't response because it didn't make sense there was evidence that Grayden killed his parents, evidence that was solid enough to put him in prison for a lot of years and his son, if his son was with him than a lot has changed over the past three years, Mr. Folly is a doctor when I thought he was a gardener and now officer Grayden is now sheriff Grayden, what happened to sheriff Jorles and also what happened to my doctor when Mr. Folly said "I'll be your doctor from now on." so he wasn't my doctor to begin with? Who was my actual doctor? Ugh my brain is hurting from all these questions; I must be in hell if I'm going through all this shit.

"Dad, there's no one here lets go." A loud male voice from behind officer Grayden as he is walking towards the door to my room "Let's go I don't think there's anyone in here and if there were they would have been outside running long before we arrived. Let's go." requested Brendan; I already knew who that voice was. Nothing is making any sense.

After a long pause, sheriff Grayden finally agreed to his son's request and the two left. I didn't get out behind the chair until maybe a few hours have passed, I needed to pee but held it in, I felt tired from boredom but I'm not going to risk it. Every time I heard a noise I kept steady behind the recliner and waited till they left.

I'm alone behind a chair, blind. How could this day possibly get any worst then this. On second thought where the hell is that dumb Angel?

A/N: In case you're wondering the name Jorles is pronounced (Hur-less). That is all. 

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