Josh x Reader

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These first few chapters will be a bit short.

It was so loud. "Josh!" You scream, walking into his practice room. "Josh!" He continues to slam to the beat of Tear in My Heart as you scream. "Jishwa!" He finally looks up and smiles. "Hey." He says as he takes out his ear plugs. "I'm bored." You whine as you look into his deep brown eyes. You always loved the way they crinkle when he smiles, and you can't help but smile back. "Well, then we got to fix that, don't we?" He replies as he puts his sticks away. You imitate his smile while you wait for him to clean up.

"You really want me to teach you to play?" He asks as you spin in the drum stool.
He hands you a pair of drum sticks and you hold them, rather awkwardly, in your hands. "How do I do this?" You ask while looking up at him. Your (e/c) eyes fill with confusion as he laughs, showing his perfect teeth. He grabs your hands and wraps them around the wooden drum stick. "Now, hit the drum, but let it bounce a bit."

The next hour was filled with Josh laughing and showing you his drummer ways. You two sit on the couch and decide to watch Re-watch Blurryface Live. Josh looks at you and places his soft lips on to yours. You smile and he pulls away. "I'm glad I have you, (y/n). I'm glad I get to teach you to play drums. I'm glad you're with me, because you make everyday sick." You smile as your heart warms at his compliment. "I love you, Josh." You say while looking at your hands. You'd only been his girlfriend for a few months, but the feeling you had for him was special. Thoughts flood through your mind as you think about how great he's made your life. "I love you too." He says as he brings your lips back to his.

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