Twenty øne questiøns-Tyler x Reader

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Super fluffy chapter by the ever so lovely EchoingAngel

"Let's play twenty questions." You tell Tyler, sliding down on the couch next to him. He doesn't move. You lean over, take off his headphones, and grab the felt marker out of his hand. "Wanna play twenty questions?"

"Nope. I wanna play twenty-one questions." He says with a cheeky smile.

"Okay. What would be a 'perfect' day to you?"

"Waking up next to you. Eating breakfast with you. Going out to lunch with you, Josh, and Josh's wife. Going to a small show, and messing around beforehand. Playing a show, and have you sing with me for one song."

"Which song?"

"Tear in my Heart."

"Hm. Okay, so that was question one for me." You tell yourself, uncapping the pen, drawing one tally mark on your arm.

"Don't do that. It makes me think -"

"It's all good." You tell him, sitting up, grabbing a sheet of paper, and drawing the tally mark on there. "Your turn."

"How do you think you will die?"

"Happily, I hope. But, I think with you. And, maybe cancer. I dunno, I don't wanna curse myself."

"Fair enough." Tyler nods, and mark down one for him.

"If you could go back, and tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? And you only have two minutes to tell your younger self this thing."

"Jesus, Y/N. I think I'd tell myself that I have to stay alive because my life gets better. I'd say I have an amazing wife and a huge family. And that many people look up to me, and I have saved lives."

"Nice." You dash on the paper.

"What is your favourite memory?"

"When you asked me to marry you. The day before was so dark for me, and that made everything light for weeks. I was so happy. I've never felt so loved." You explain. Tyler reddens slightly, and leans across, grabbing your hand, and kissing it.

"You're an angel. Your turn."

"What is your favourite memory?"

"I think the night of our wedding. When you didn't get drunk at the party, but we drank here. And how was danced around, kissed, danced and laughed. That is one of my happiest memories. And you were still in your wedding dress, and God, you looked like an angel. My angel. And we ended up on the couch, you laying in the undergarments of the dress, and me half in my suit, and we feel asleep that way. My turn, what is your worst memory?"

"When I was sixteen, and I started drinking. And everything went downhill. I had a shit four years after that. Those four years are my worst memory. What's yours?" Tyler gave your hand a squeeze. He knew you barely talked about those years. You did once, and you talked for hours about it, and you finished with saying that you hated talking about it.

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