7. The Perks of Human Happiness

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Different people find their Happiness in different places; places as different as the people themselves. Some find it in work, some in play. I, for one, think that happiness need not be found only in the deepest, darkest corners of your soul; it can be found if you search for the little things in life. Watching the sun rise on a winter morning. A smile from an old best friend. Listening to your favourite song on the radio. The love a pet gives you. The feeling when you finally get to do things you wanted to, to see things you were longing to see, when you get to unleash your free soul and be who you truly are, who you truly want to be. When life gives you lemons, use your magic to turn them into chocolate. Then eat the chocolate, of course :)


A.N.- This one is specially dedicated to PotterheadsLife , and it's her birthday today ( yaaaay ) so happy birthday Dubey ji, wish you a happy life and lots of good things :))) go check out her stories, they're REALLY cool.

Oh, by the way, you CAN ask me for a topic of your choice, that you want me to write about. Say you want to hear something about eyes, or flowers or whatever you want, maybe even current affairs, if I can manage.

The only embodiment of happiness I have on camera is the picture above, which one of my bestest friends took of me in school :) I love this picture so much omg

See y'all soon :)

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