Chapter 10

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Guys sorryy for the grammer mistakes and for being unactive again :(

Aria's POV

*two weeks later*

Dear diary,
Im so so scared i have to go back to school tomorrow. Its not that im scared because im gonna fail my exams well acually that too but i had enough time to learn tho. But im reaaally scared to see everyone , im scared to see all the reactions of everyone to they see me like this ...BALD. Im scared to get staren at because im the girl with cancer, im scared of getting bullied again. Thats why we moved and i really dont wanna move again to somewhere else. But im gonna sleep because if i dont im gonna be walking as a zooooombie at school :((

Piep piep piep
"Ugh stupid alarm shut up" i yelled at my alarm.I went on my phone to check everything out i saw that i had a few messages from Grayson and from Steve.

Steve : hey Ari doo ya have time i need to tell you some thing!! :)
Steve : oh and how is it going with you exams and with you ofcours
Me : supp Steveeybooy , everythings is going great with me(i didnt tell Steve about my cancer situation) and school too ofcours :)) whaat about you and what do ya wannaa teelll ?!

I then looked at Graysons texts

Grayson : good morning babe
Grayson : are you exited for ya first day
Me : exited ?! Its More like scared :(
Grayson : whaat dont be scared theres nothing gonna happen u dumbass ;)
Me : uhu... Well ya never know right :(( but okay im glad that i can see you ans everyone again ! But gottaa goo bye x
Grayson : bye princess , see ya in drama ! :)

I went to the shower to clean myself up and got dressed. After that i wanted to fix my make-up so i went to a mirror. i looked in it and stared myself in my eyes. I saw this ugly weak girl.

"That isnt you"my subconsious was telling me.

This isnt me i repeated it for a couple times while i started crying. My mom called me a few times until she came in and saw me.

"Baby whats wrong" she said worried.

"I dont wanna go to school , i dont want this stupid desease". She started crying too for a little bit.

"Mom please stop crying if your gonna cry im gonna cry harder" we both stared laughing for a little.

After a few i said "well im gonna do my make-up can you drive me to school or do i have to walk".

"I ofours will drive you silly" my mom responded.

I did my make-up and looked again to myself with more confidence but still knowing that bad things are gonna happen. I walked downstairs and saw that my mom already made a sandwich for me. I grabbed it and we went to the car. We arrived at school and i got nervous. My mom looked at me and said

"you can do it baby"

with that i stepped out of the car and blew a kiss to my mom and walked to the door i was 10 minutes early as usual but i desided not to go in for like 5 more minutes. I just walked around till i had enough confidence to confront everybody. I went in after a few. i walked through the hallways and i saw NO ONE. I was acually pretty happy that no one was here but also affraid because there not here and not outside so they all have to be in the lunchroom. I finally arrived at the lunchroom but i didnt go in at fisrt i just lurked if there were people and hell yes they were.

All We Have Is Now // Grayson DolanWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu