Chapter 11 2/2

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Aria's POV

I walked over to a tree and sat down and cried. There were thousands of thoughts in my head. I tried to shake them of so I closed my eyes and turned with my face to the tree and instead of stopping with crying i cried harder. I couldnt stop thinking about all those memories i have with him. All those times he said 'i love you' were lies. All the times he stood beside my bed while i was diagnosed with fucking cancer he pretended to care. I felt someone placing his hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw megan standing there she quikly asked me

"everything okay uh Aria".

"Yea everything is fine "i said back trying to whipe my tears away but when i whipped one away a million new tears came rolling down my cheek.

"Whats wrong Aria you can tell me" she said. 

"Its complicated" i said back.

She came sit next to me. We were both quiet and just stared into the air.

"I broke up with my boyfriend" i said breaking the silence.

"Oh why" she asked kinda nervous.

" thats the complicated part" i said back while i grabbed a mirror and tried to get all the leaked make up of my face.

"Come with me" she said.

"Where are we going?" I asked her.

" To class silly " She said.

We stood up and walked over the field back inside. I walked to biolgie and sat down. I saw Ethan and Grayson walking in the classroom too.

" SHIT THERE ALSO IN THIS CLASS " i said in my head.

Grayson looked at me. i saw him staring but i didnt want to look at him so i just looked down at my book. I saw him come closer. My heart was raising every step he walked up to me. And in the mean time he stood next to me and said

"Aria please I can explain"

I ignorded him well i tried.

"Aria please" he yelled.

"Grayson just let het alone" ethan said to him.

He looked at me for a few secondes and walked away. My heart beated normal again and the class stared kindaa.  When we were in the middle of class my mom came in.

"Aria are you coming" she said.

I nodded , i packed all my stuff in and stood up. The class was so quiet they probably thought that there was something wrong. Grayson asked

" where are you going" but i didnt respond.

I gave the teacher a hand and said bye. After that i looked over to the class and walked out of the classroom.

"Are you okay sweetie" my mom asked.

"Yea.. Im fine" i said back and we walked in silence to the car.

We listened to music while we were in the car on our way to the hospital. When we were there we staped in the elevator.

"The 6th ground "my mom said.

We were there and waited until a doctor called us. While we waited i saw a little girl sitting in a room she was like 6 or something. She was bald and white as a ghost. It litterly broke my heart to see how messed up her life is. I felt someone ticking on my shoulder . I looked up and saw that it was the doctor.

"Hi im doctor Maxwell" he said smiling.

"Im Aria" i said back as we stood up and walked over to a room.

He gave me some clothes for the scans i had to do. So i dressed up and staped in the machine. After uh i dont know 10 minutes it was done.

"great job baby" my mom said with a brave smile on her face.

We walked back to the car and drove home. It was 3 o clock by then and i couldnt do a thing. I was sooo bored. Ugh i wish i could just die right now. But I remembered that i had to do sooo much things for prom. So I decided to do that stuff. The time flew by while i was working on it. I buyed somethings and made a plan and that kind of stuff. My mom called me to come eat. I went downstairs and sat down.

"Your dad is working late again sweetie so its just the two of us" my mom said.

" Okay" i respond back with a smile and started eating.

After a few minutes i looked at my mom and told her about all my prom things.

"That sounds soo cool" my mom said.

"So eh can I go shopping for a dress mom because its gonna be soon".

"Yea sweetie of course here wait ill give you money" my mom said walking over to her purse.
PShe grabbed the money and gave it me.

"thankyou mom" i said and i started eating again when we were done eating I cleaned up the dishes and sat on the couch.

My mom came sit next to me and asked me if i wanted to watch a movie.

"Yea sure" I responded back while i got up to turn on the tv. My mom was making popcorn. When we both were done we choose a movie. My mom and i desided to watch "bad neighbors" (that movie is soooo heaven lol ). Everytime when I saw Zac i just Screamed. Damn he looked so hot. But i was getting tired after an hour so i went back to my room and rested in my bed.

Dear Diary,

THIS WAS THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE. I broke up with Grayson. Well i dont even know if we had something. I mean I thought so but i was the only one. HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID. He played just a stupid game or something. He faked everything , his love , his attention, his worrieness. He was all i had. Do you know how much it hurts to loose the one thing you fighted for. I wanted to fight this stupid disease to he with him. He was the fucking only thing why i wanted to survive this. He gave me the power to fight and now its gone. I feel so lost but i mean REAAAALLLY LOST and I know i shouldnt be because i dont know him that long but i just fell too far for him. Maybe too far. My love for him is like uh how can i say it. Its like when i fall at the ground at first it doesnt hurt but the pain slowly gets worse and worse until i get a bruise and everytime you touch it it still hurts.
But you have to imagine that the pain is love if that makes sense lol okay. Buuut okay im going to sleep im tired i had a really long day
Bye Diary


A/n OKAAAAAAAY GUUUYSSS HEY. (Sorry for grammer mistakes) hey guyyss soo im more active rn i posted this week 2 times yaaay and if im lucky i have another chapter done sunday. Buuut okaaaaay what did yall think about this chapter. I hope yall liked it. Because I dont , i think it sucks but i really wanted to post something. I litterly caaant wait until Aria tellss uuss what she has planned for prom .... Hahahahahah no okay buuutt one last question what do yall think of Megan I really like her hahahahaha (keeep reading and voting thankyou loves)

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