3.I Found

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I went outside to find Stiles' dirty Jeep. Allison and Scott came along.

"Where are you guys going?" Allison said. I sighed. "It's a surprise and I'm not telling any of you guys" I said. Scott looked over at me, "Knew it will be the mall. You always choose it"

Allison hit him in his arm. "Scott! The mall is not a perfect choice to be a perfect date!"

I nodded giggling. "Hey look Lydia, there's Stiles' Jeep." Scott told me. I turned around and there he was waiting.

"Okay, bye guys!" I waved to them.

I walked to the Jeep and he turned to face me. He smiled then got out and opened the passenger's door. I slipped in and he closed the door.

I waited until he was in the driver's seat to tell him where are we going.

"Stiles, go to the movie theater. And there's a surprise I have after so no giddy smiles around your whole freaking face"

He looked at me creepily.

I pushed my hand against his face as saying to never make that face again.

As I did that, I also felt his messy hair. God, his hair feels so amazing and super soft.

"Uh...Lydia, I'm gonna drive, sooo..."

I realized I still had my hand pressed against his face and quickly pulled it away. Stiles stared at me quizically. I suddenly felt myself blushed. The more he stared the more my cheeks grew pinker.

I cleared my throat, "When are we going?" He still stared at me for a good five seconds and he snapped out of it,"Oh,uh..."

Stiles quickly tried to get the right keys to his Jeep and the keys suddenly hitted my thigh.

Pain exploded inside of my body. I clenched my fists slowly and made a stop when i was about to wince so I won't explode of anger in front of him.

"Sorry!" Stiles said and made a grab for the keys. As soon as he grabbed it, I felt his soft hands connecting with my thigh and we stop. He kept his hand there.

I looked at him but not mad, just nervous. I noticed he was also nervous by his beautiful eyes.

Stiles quickly took his hand away and put the key in the ignition. We were quiet for the whole ride to the movie theater. I had also noticed that I wasn't the only one who was glancing to each other.

Stiles finally pulled over to the movie theater parking lot and turned off the Jeep.

"So, what movie do you want to watch?" Stiles said as we walked to the entrance.

"You pick," I said,"Its seems this date is a pretty big deal for you"

"Uh...what about a romance movie?" He asked.

Romance, huh? The thought of it made the inside of stomach feel uneasy. I nodded.



After the movie, I felt amazed how almost the movie compared to me and Lydia. The guy loves the popular girl and she has a boyfriend and stuff and he dumps her, whatever, the guy changes a little still himself, they later kiss, they have problems and then happily ever after.

Romance movie problems. That's a problem. It's just a big fairytale that it's almost compared to me and Lydia. Meaning, this connection will never happen.

"Ok, Stiles now you're surprise. And when we get there, I had told you no giddy smiles running around your freaking face" Lydia said when we were in the car.

I raised my hands "Ok. Why do you say that?"

"It's a surprise, ok" she said annoyed.

Lydia gave me directions which turn to go. Until then I came into the view of the Little Ceasar's store.

I smiled.

"No giddy smiles, Stilinski," Lydia looked over to me and I was starting to smile more. Suddenly, she was shaking her head. "Please don't do it, stop, listen to me Stiles! Please do--"


Lydia looked desperate and I didn't care what she think of me.


Lydia sat up straight. "That's it! Home Stilinski! Now!" I shooked my head and put my hands together as if I was praying to her,"No Lydia. Pleeaseee, let me have pizza for God's sake. I'll be a good boy." Lydia thought about it and let out a breath.

"Fine! One box."

"Please, two."

"Stiles, one and that's it!"

"Two and I won't be giddy-freaking- smiles again."

Lydia raised her hands in frustration, "Ugh, two pizza boxes and that's it!"

I raised a finger in the air,"Point to Stilinski!"

We got out of the car and order to boxes of pepperroni pizza. Lydia payed for the pizza and we headed to her house.


A/N: Thank you guys for reading this I hope you enjoyed it. My Instagram is @obienkatiesm. I post Teen Wolf there and also my personal pictures.


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