27.Real Broken Heart

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I decided to make this chapter all about Kira's pov. Hope you'll enjoy it!


How the hell did she knew? Why am I standing here doing nothing and let her win? Why shouldn't I be doing my job? Why am I looking like I got defeated?

I put out some courage. "You are lying." I said with a calm voice.

Lydia scoffed. "No you are. Did you really think you can just do that to me? Stiles doesn't love you or anything. You guys are just pretending to see me hurt. And you recieved it. And you can stop now."

I looked at her. Lydia was sad. But I think I was only being fooled. I pull my arm away from her grip. "We are together. And Lydia, if you want him that bad, you should've thought about that in the first place."

I walked out the bathroom, leaving her inside. But I didn't care. I want her with Stiles but I can't let my plan get down by some of her confronts. I just couldn't. I want it to be a success.

I continued to walk when I felt her hand again on my arm. "If you guys are really together, show me."


Lydia frowned at me. "What do you mean how? What couples do? Show me by doing what couples do."

I walked over and Stiles looked up. I wanted to tell him but Lydia was inspecting us.

So how the heck did I supposed to survived?

I got my phone out from under the table and thought about texting Stiles but then again, Lydia will know. So, I thought more harder and this is what I came up with:

¤Text Allison with a simple "hi"

¤I'll text her that Lydia knows

¤Will tell her to text him and let him know

¤To not give up because this is the best plan I got

¤Tell him how we should act because Lydia still doesn't believe us

¤And to also tell Scott

So, I got my courage again. I texted Allison and as I have suspected, Lydia looked over at me. "Who are you texting?"

"Allison. She wants to know how we are doing." I told her, without looking up.

"She knows about this?" I heard Lydia asked. Stiles answered. "Yep. Don't you remember?"

"Oh yeah!"

Silence once again.

When I was done, I put my phone away and sipped over my coffee. A few minutes later, Stiles' phone dinged. He looked a bit horrified but I don't blame him that Lydia is scaring him a bit.

As Stiles read the messages, he raised his eyebrows and he bit his lip. He quickly got out and put his phone away. With a big long slurp of his coffee after. Man, he really is nervous.

We sat there, with no talking at all. Thanks for ruining the talking, Lyds. It was better hearing you talk than to hearing nothing coming from your mouth that you wasted off when you told me you knew.

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