30.Is It Possible?

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We all sat down and waited for Scott to start the meeting. "Great! Why did you brought me into the talk? I don't even know what we want to tell them." I whispered to Kira.

"Oh, shut up! We are ending this whole plan." Kira said. "What?! Why should we end this?"

I waited for her to answer. "It's not working well. Plus, we are only ending our part not them. I need a new plan to get Lydia go back with you."

"That's their part!" I protested. Kira sighed. "I know. I just want to come up with one on my own. Like, a backup plan."

"Kira, we talked about this,"I started. "You're not bringing Malia into a plan."

"Why not?!"

I sighed. She just can't never understand. "Malia likes me, okay? I mean, seriously, she would never help you to bring me back with Lydia. That's the whole point. Now, does that change your mind?"

Kira tapped her chin. "Well, no. But, why should we care what that she likes? Like I said yesterday, she's not important."

"Can you be nice for a minute? It's Malia. I gave her a chance today and it went fine." I said. Kira looked confused.

"I'm sorry. A chance? Since when did that happened?"

"This morning. I was in her house and we talked for a--"

Oh shit.

"What!" Kira screamed and everyone looked up and glared at her. "Sorry guys."

Kira grabbed my hand and lead me to the kitchen. "You were at her house this morning?"

"I'm sorry, okay! But it went fine." I said.

"I can't believe you! I tried to help out and this is what you do next? Stiles, it's you and Lydia not you and that...girl."

"Fine," I said. "But just so you know, I have another plan." Kira looked at me for a second like I was joking. "You have a plan."

I nodded and she sighed. "Okay, what is it?"

"Why don't you guys try to get her to come back and when she finally says yes, you can tell me and I can plan out a way to just, you know, suprise her. And I have something that she will like and just give it to her." I said.

"What's this special thing?" Kira asked. I pull out the locket from my back pocket and gave it to her gently and she took a good look at it. "Wow, it's a locket. It's really beautiful!" She chimed.

Kira kept her eyes on it and then opened it. "Wow. Did you do this?"

I shooked my head,"I just had to grab it, that's all."

Kira looked up at me with deadly eyes. "Please, don't tell me you stole it."

"What?! No! Well, maybe! But technically no!"

Kira gripped the locket tightly in her hand and crossed her arms. "What's your story?"

Oh shit. If I didn't said that, I wouldn't got into telling her what happened that night.

I sighed and told her everything. I started off by telling her that she came by my house and wanted to get back with me. But then, I just had to ruin it for her and all and tell her I was 'with Kira.' So then she ran off and that's when I realized she left her bag. Lydia's phone was ringing and I had to look for it. I found the locket in her purse and kinda stole it in order to just use to make her feel better I'm some other time.

I left the part where she had left the keys in her bag and she went home walking with her car in my driveway so...Kira didn't seem to care about that. And also when I had to 'talk' to Malia on the phone. And the fact I was actually looking for her keys than her phone.

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