Chapter 2.13 (The woman in the mirror)

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Okay so I literally had to wait an entire day until other people got the hell off this joined wifi account enough for me to do anything on it so I'm really sorry. But anyway, here it is. Next chapters are already written too so I'll upload them as soon as I have wifi again which will be somewhere in the next weeks or so ;-)...Dear God I've never missed internet so much in my entire life. Well, anyway, enjoy!
Love, Pip


The greatest risk any of us will take, is to be seen as we are. ~Cinderella

"Excuse me?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "I suppose I should rephrase that."

Artemis just looked at him blankly.

"You didn't actually die. Something inside of you did. An all-powerful force we like to refer to as Magic died out that night."

"That defintely makes more sense. Thank you for rephrasing." Artemis said sarcastically.

"The theory behind it is very complicated and however smart I know you are, Artemis, this isn't something you will yet understand. But I can shed some light on the 'woman in the mirror'. Her story is quite the fascinating one, you see.

"Her name was Adeline Ariana Dumbledore and she was a rather special woman. She was, for sixty years, frozen in time. Born on 14 January 1899, she was raised by my brother, Aberforth and me until it was no longer safe and I took her to a boarding school in central London when she was five. She was raised as a Muggle and therefore quite shocked when receiving her Hogwarts letter in 1910. I remember teaching her. She was an incredible witch. The best I had seen in a century and that included myself. She took her O.W.L.s at the mere age of thirteen, nearly pasaing every subject with an O.

"She was unlike anything I'd ever seen..."

"Might I ask why you say you raised her and she carried your name?" Artemis cut in.

"She was my biological daughter. And I include biological because I was no father to her. Blinded by my own greed, intelligence and hunger for the power I thought I deserved, I became friends with Gellert Grindelwald and very nearly became his partner when he tried to take control of the magical world.

"He had known of Adeline's existence. Him being several years younger than I was, he acted as her big brother. When I broke all contact with him and moved Adeline away to keep her safe, he went out on his own and I presume you know the bigger lines of the next few years..."

Artemis nodded.

"Determined to make me pay for what he saw as the ultimate betrayal, he returned to Britain in the summer of 1914 with the sole purpose of destroying all I had achieved...including my greatest then fifteen-year-old daughter Adeline."

"What did he do to her?"

"He fell in love with her."

"Oh, right, not as dramatic as I- horrible."

"It wasn't him falling in love that made it 'horrible'. It was the fact that he gave her what I never could."

"Well, I mean, you're her father...that would've been illegal..." Artemis muttered so silently to herself, Dumbledore probably hadn't heard it.

"He showed her love. He showed what it feels like and what it could do to you. He gave her something she had never experienced before but unconsciously had always been craving. It was her downfall. He wrapped her around his finger but thankfully instead of hurting or using her...he simply fell deeper in love with her everyday. Today I would say in the end his love had turned into a near-obsession. It was unhealthy. When I found out what was happening I travelled to where they stayed and challenged Grindelwald for a duel.

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