The Crismon Dragons

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Sungyeols POV

I made my way over to the group of boys who are now bickering back in forth on what to do 

"We should go now to heck with waiting!" Sunggyu replied angrily
"Does he not remember what happened to the last leader?" Dongwoo said smirking "he's to stupid for his own good" Hoya replied leaning against the wall, I listened to each one of there replies "We should go around Midnight" I hear Woohyun add from the side "we're called the midnight owls for a reason" Sunjong says backing Woohyun up suddenly everyone turns to me "I've decided already... We go at Midnight i thought you wanted to go at midnight as well sunggyu" I reply
"What?! Are you stupid or something?! I think we should go right now we don't know what's happening to her at this moment! The poor girl could be getting tortured at this moment!"  Sunggyu shouts I saw a mixture of concern and anger flash across his troublesome brown eyes that were now glaring into mine "Sunggyu...stop its already decided" Dongwoo reminded him with a warning voice making me confused and suspicious
"Fine" Sunggyu replies harshly as he smacks Dongwoos hand that's was holding him back away from me. 'What's going on between Chasity and Sunggyu?' I thought to myself.

Chasitys POV

Flashback I woke up with a start as I hear banging on my front door wiping the sleep from my eyes I made my way over to the impatient person still persistent in pounding on my door "I'm coming" I shout thinking it was either Sunggyu or Woohyun
I open the door and  standing in front of me is a unfamiliar red haired guy he was quite tall and had light brown eyes
"who are yo..." Before I could finish my sentence I was pushed back into my house the red haired man barging into my home "Not bad is she?" Another guy appears slightly shorter than the red haired one "Tao shut the door" the red haired guy demanded
"Wh..who are you?" I stuttered causing a smirk to form on the colored haired guys lips"Kris Leader of the Crimson Dragons and honestly your worst but most beautiful nightmare" he said tilting my chin upwards to meet his lips, his lips pressed to mine harshly as his tongue licked my bottom lip wanting to enter as I resisted him I could feel the smirk tug on his lips "stubborn" he whispered "I like that" he says as he pulled away
'Crimson Dragons?' I thought  back to the time when I had met the Gang I remembered Sungyeol Mentioning the Crimson Dragons but I can't recall what he had said about them
"You're coming with us" Kris said pulling me by my arm only resulting in me snatching it away from him "no I'm not!" I respond harshly "feisty" Tao smirked "look .. You're coming with us wether you like it or not" Kris replied glaring at me while taking my arms once again but this time with a harder grasp "NO!" I screamed before forcibly shoving Kris away from me, I then dashed to my bedroom and lock the door only to have Tao burst through it "so difficult" he murmurs as we made eye contact  I begin throwing anything in sight "God stop throwing things at me!!" He said clearly flustered.  I start to panic when Kris enters the room he turns around and shuts and locks my bedroom door "babe..." He said sighing "stop calling me babe!" I snap "damn that's hot!" He replies "Tao pin her down on the bed" he instructs
Confusion spreads through Taos face at Kris request "Don't Make me repeat myself!" Kris shouts causing Tao to scramble to me "No!" I say trying to get away from him in the
End I fail and Tao has me pinned on the bed his hands harshly pushing my wrist into the duvets.

"Now that that's over let's get down to business shall we?" Kris says while picking up a familiar frame "Awww Such a lovely couple" Kris says running his finger over Sungyeol and I's smiling faces seeing the picture again makes my heartache "in love with the midnight owls leader and by the looks of it he's in love with you as well" he commented "midnight owls? Leader.. Sungyeol?.." I asked confused "you mean he hasn't told you yet?" Kris asked "well no...but I know he's a master in many martial arts" I reply "well your boyfriend is quite impressive I'll say that" Kris replied glaring at me for some odd reason "He killed my elder brother and basically went on a rampage on the rest of the gang" he announced breaking eye contact between us "so I took over the Crimson dragons and made myself stronger in the process" Kris said smirking "but I think I should have revenge on him and the rest by... Taking you.. Their beloved Chasity with a heart pure and innocent as anyone can imagine... Destroying your innocence will hurt them as much as it's going to hurt you... And seeing your pained face begging me to stop sends shivers of pleasure down my spine" he commented moving closer to me with the picture Frame gripped in his hands "and... Sungyeol.. And you... Will no longer be" he announced with a cold voice before smashing the picture frame on the floor resulting in it shattering in what seems a million pieces... Kinda resembling my heart after Sungyeol had left me. "Kris we better hurry before they return" Tao warned "yeah just one moment though" Kris trailed off before leaving the room. "Why... Why are you doing this to me" I cried out to Tao who still had me pinned on the bed, I saw his eyes soften for a moment and I took the opportunity to kick him off me fortunately succeeding on him being surprised. I ran out the room I was so close... So close to the open door of freedom before I felt a cold pair of hands pull me back "leave me alone!" I shouted before snatching my arms away from Tao quickly making my way into the kitchen "what the fuck is with you and throwing shit gosh!" Tao asked annoyed when I started throwing random things  "you know you won't be able to escape" I came face to face with cold eyes of Kris making me freeze suddenly he pressed me up against the counter top resulting in a shock when I felt the tip of a knife barley puncture my skin "be careful!" Kris exclaimed pulling me quickly away from the counter. 'What's up with this guy? First he's threatening me then he's worried about me...what?! That doesn't make any sense!' I thought to myself. "Ouch" I winced in pain as I barley touched my fresh wound "don't touch it stupid!" Kris said pulling my hand away from it taking me by surprise "look we don't have enough time to bandage her up right now.." Tao trailed off once Kris shot him a glare "it'll be fast" Kris announced before picking me up "put me down!!" I shouted hitting his back "you're so annoying" he replied placing me on the bed gently "you're so confusing" I replied as he bandaged my wound "what do you mean?" He asked rather gently which surprised me "first you threaten me now you're bandaging me up like you care for me" I heard him snicker at my response "sorry but you're not my style at all" he said now full on laughing 'he should laugh and smile often it suits him even though he's being a jerk at this moment ' I thought to myself
"Tao!!" Kris shouted and right on cue Tao walked in the room in a matter of seconds "take her to the van" he said and then I felt rope being tied around my hands "wh-what?!.. What are you doing?!" I asked "kidnapping you stupid what do you think we're doing" Kris replied 'and here we go again' I thought to myself rolling my eyes. Soon I was blindfolded and gagged I felt Tao hands guide me through my house "out the back door" Kris instructed "I'll be out there after I mark my territory" Kris shouted "what does that mean?" I struggled to say through the gag which only Led to muffled sounds. I felt the cold wind hit against my skin 'gosh it's cold' I thought to myself wanting to bring my hands up to rub my chilled skin which was now covered in goosebumps.. 'But I can't they freakin had to tie my hands' I said to myself sighing soon I heard a door open "get in" I heard Tao command "how do you expect me to get in with a blindfold on and my hands tied" I asked and once again my words were muffled "oh...right.. Sorry I forgot" Tao Said, he then helped me up into the van and I heard the door slide shut. Soon later I heard the doors of the van open then once again shut "you left her in this cold van and didn't even turn the heater on?!" I heard Kris ask Tao "sorry I forgot.." Tao replied. "So did you tear the place up well?" Tao asked "yeah very well" Kris replied snickering, "Tao you drive I'm going to go sit in the back with Chasity" I heard Kris say and soon I felt someone's body pressed against mine "okay let's go Tao" he said an soon I felt the jerk of the van take off me  falling out of my sitting position I felt warm arms catch me and lean me onto a well toned chest "Chasity... That's your name right?" I heard Kris ask in a soft tone "oh haha right" and soon the gag was out of my mouth "finally.. Now can you please untie me and take this stupid blindfold off?!" I retorted harshly "why? Miss seeing my beautiful face?"Kris replied "can't you just please remove it? its aggravating!" I sneered "fine fine but just the blindfold" he said before untying the blind fold my face just inches apart from his smirking one. I tried moving my body away from his only to him pulling me closer "why are you doing this?" I questioned "why don't like it?" He questioned "well I do have a boyfriend" I replied "after I'm done with you he won't want you" he replied "and what exactly are you going to do to me?" I questioned "anything I desire" Kris replied smiling "Sungyeol won't put up with this he'll come for me" I said "shut up already god you talk too much" he replied shoving the gag back into my mouth "we're here" Tao said before parking in front of a mansion "come on" Kris said taking me by the arm and leading me out of the van and into the big house. "Tao park the van where it can't be seen" Kris commanded before slamming the front door of the mansion. "Where are you taking me?"  I tried to speak through the gag, after making complicated twists and turns down varied hallways we arrived at a room Kris hurriedly and unlocked the door him and I entering. He sat me down gently on the king sized bed, I watched as he locked many different locks on the door he then walked up to me and removed the gag, blindfold and ropes. "You'll be staying here until further notice, don't even think about trying to escape unless you want to meet with your maker, you also will be obedient and do as I say no matter what it is, you will call me Kris Oppa or just Oppa call me anything else it will result in a punishment, go by the rules and we should live happily together  if you disobey or disrespect me in any action or form the punishment will be far server then the rest, do I make myself clear?" He stated "y-yes" I replied "good girl, now Oppa will be back don't go through my stuff" Kris said before exiting the room I listened to him lock all the locks on the door. I took in the room it was quite big and was decorated beautifully which surprised me I walked up to the curtains and looked through them I tried opening the large windows only to find them locked "what the fuck? Even the windows?!" I exclaimed to myself, I walked up to the dresser and was fixing to open it when I recalled Kris's words 'do not go through my stuff' my conscience reminded me. With nothing to do I decided to take a nap I wrapped my self in the sapphire blue duvets and drifted off to sleep. "Chasity wake up.. Chasity get up at once!" I heard a deep voice say, I opened my eyes to come face to face with Kris "Kris..Oppa?" I questioned sitting up quickly he began smirking "w-what?" I asked "I'm going to make a special call" he replied smirking he began dialing a number hello sungyeol leader of the midnight owls" Kris said with a smirk on his face my eyes widen as I tried to reach for the phone only resulting in Tao holding me down 'when did he get here?' I questioned myself. I faintly heard Sungyeols angelic voice ask who was on the phone "who do you think?" Kris replied crossing his arms "Sungyeol! Sungyeol!!" I screamed as loud as I could only resulting in Tao covering my mouth "Hear that? Awe the poor girl wants her Sungyeol Oppa" Kris said smirking leaning against the window pane snickering "your dead when I get there!" I heard Sungyeol say Quite loudly, I then bit Taos hand making him scream and curse just then Kris hung his phone up smiling to himself "you're boyfriends quite protective of you" Kris said walking up to me  "she fucking bit me!" Tao exclaimed looking at me in disbelief I smiled satisfied "yes he quite is.. Scared?" I questioned smirking only making Kris laugh "scared of what him? Why would I be scared of him?" Kris asked laughing once again. "He's very well trained and honestly I think he could take you out easily" I replied leaving Kris with an amused smirk on his face "we'll see about that" he replied before leaving the room with Tao still complaining about his hand. "Sungyeol Oppa.. Please hurry" I said to myself looking out the window.


Sorry my lovely chodings that it took so long to update but now we know who the leader of the Crimson Dragons is Its Kris from Exo (former member) Kris is one of my bias!! Hope you enjoyed don't forget to like, comment and share!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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