Everyday You Feel A Little Bit Further Away...

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Sunggyus pov

I hope she keeps her promise I said to myself making sure the door was closed and secured, satisfied I pulled out my phone And dialed woohyuns number "hello?" He picked up the phone sounding like he just awoken from a nap "Hey Woohyun It's your turn to watch over her ....remember don't let her see you. Sungyeol doesn't want her to know" Sunggyu announced while sitting in his car "okay I'm on my way" Woohyun replied grabbing his car keys

Chasitys Pov

Awaking from my sleep I looked at the clock it reading 8:55pm getting up I walked into the kitchen looking in the fridge and in the cabinets sighing i found nothing to suit my appetite thinking I found a solution sliding my jacket on and grabbing my purse I headed outside.

Woohyuns pov

"What is she doing?!" I exclaimed watching as Chasity slipped outside "it's like 9 at night and it's dark doesn't she know it's dangerous?!"
I took out my phone and quickly called Sunggyu
"Hey Sunggyu I'm in a weird situation what should I do if Chasity goes outside?" I asked him my eyes not straying from Chasity "what?! She went outside This late?!" Sunggyu yelled on the other end of the phone "look no time to be asking questions just tell me what I should do" I stated calmly " .. Just follow her and make it look like it was a coincidence that you two met wherever she's going" Sunggyu replied "got it" I said, hanging up getting out of the car I secretly followed Chasity "I could tell he was holding his anger in" I mumbled glancing up once in a while to make sure she hasn't caught notice of me "now just were is she going?" I whispered to myself, I watched as Chasity entered a little cafe she ordered something and sat down looking down at her hands I saw her smile. looking closely I could see she was looking at a ring "what.." Was all I could mumble before watching her smile fade into a frown and a tear drip on the table "don't tell me.." I mumbled
I rushed into the cafe and before I knew what I was doing I held Chasity in my arms, catching her be surprise when I pulled back she had a confused expression "Woohyun? What are you doing here?" She questioned me "um well I like to have coffee at night when I can" I replied rubbing the back of my head "One Americano" we heard "excuse me" Chasity slipped out of her chair and received her coffee "I'll take a Americano" I said to the lady
I turned and looked at Chasity 'I swear her and Sungyeol are perfectly matched' I thought to myself but for some odd reason... i didn't want them to match.. And the worse thing is I could tell Sunggyu didn't want that to happen either "Here you go sir" the woman said snapping me out of my thoughts "ah thank you" I replied before making my way over to Chasity I hurriedly sat Down beside her "how have you been?" I asked "uh not good I'm very confused at this moment.." Was all she replied "ah really" was all I responded before taking a sip of my coffee.

Sunggyus pov

"I told her not to go out alone!" I screamed making my cat jump in the air suddenly my phone started ringing seeing the name I immediately answered"Hello Sunggyu I made it safely" I heard sungyeols voice say "how's Chasity doing?" He asked, his voice shook as he mentioned her name "she cried.. I stayed the rest of the night with her, when she got home she went straight to bed" I replied "what else have happened you voice sounds scary at this moment" Sungyeol said "She woke me up by screaming and crying...she was having a nightmare and I bet it was about you.. And tonight she went out somewhere" I answered "what?! It's like 9:30 right now right?! Where was she going?" Sungyeol asked "like I know Woohyun is the one with her " I replied "when you find out about something contact me" I heard Sungyeol say, "Sungyeol! Hold on before you hang up... She's really worried about you... I think it'd be best to return as quickly as possible I have a strange feeling that something is going to happen" I said with a concern voice there was a long pause "I know... You don't know how much it pains me to have left her like that.. So please keep true to your promise" "I will Sungyeol you don't have to worry about her.. I'm willing to put my life on the line for her" I replied sincerely hanging up my phone.

Chasity's POV

"Love is like this Americano" I said taking a small sip "it's bittersweet" I said looking at the cup
"I couldn't agree with you more" Woohyun replied "ah what's this?" Woohyun said pointing at the engraved Initials on the table "oh... That....Sungyeol and I engraved our names into this table when we were younger" I replied hesitantly
"Oh..." Was all Woohyun said before drinking the rest of his coffee "well should we go?" Woohyun asked me when I finished my Americano "yeah, I'll see you later thank you for joining me" I replied turning away from him I continued to walk "Chasity wait up!" I heard Woohyun shout turning around he was running towards me "why don't I take you home? It's cold out and I have a car" he said
"I don't want to hinder y..." I trailed off "You're not hindering me at all plus I'd feel safer to know you made it home safely" Woohyun insisted "well...okay I guess since it's cold" I replied in return Woohyun smiled "okay c'mon my car is not far from here" he said leading me toward his car. "Allow me" Woohyun said opening up the door for me "ah thank you" I replied before entering the Black Dodge Charger, I settled comfortably in the black leather seats
"See so warm" he said as he got into the car, starting the engine He pulled out of the parking lot
"My favorite song!" Woohyun exclaimed turning the stereo up, Destiny by Infinite Engulfed the car
"Cause your my destiny!! Woo!!" I laughed upon seeing Woohyun dancing in his seat and singing along to the song and soon enough we arrived at my house "thank you for the ride Woohyun" I said getting out of the Dodge Charger "it was my pleasure, if you ever need a ride feel free to give me a call" Woohyun said getting out of his car "w..what are you doing?" I asked confused "I'm going to at least walk you to your door" he replied "but you could've just watched from your car" I stated "I feel better this way" he said before walking toward your door "okay I guess.." I trailed off walking with Woohyun to my house "Well good night and sleep well" Woohyun said before returning to his car 'what a strange guy' I thought to myself watching him enter the car after watching the car disappear
I then entered my house.

A/N Hello my lovely Chodings!! Sorry I haven't been updating frequently, between school and writers block it was hard to get this chapter finished! But I did it!!♥️ anyway I hope you lovelys enjoyed this chapter
What is your thoughts about Sungyeol leaving?
What's up with Woohyun and Sunggyu? Are the developing feelings for Chasity?
The next chapter Sungyeol shall be in it more ^.^ honestly I miss him kekeke ♥️😍😘

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