Chapter 2~ A Morning With You

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I yawned and tried getting up only noticing that I couldn't move, I lifted my head only to come face to face with a sleeping sungyeol. I tried prying his arms open which were tightly squeezed around my waist, but there was no use, it was too tight of a hold I tried other methods to get out out but he didn't move an inch, giving up I sighed and cuddled more into his chest (if that was even possible). 20 minutes later I watched as sungyeols eyes fluttered open as he yawned making him loosen his grip around me, making it so much easier for me to breathe. As I was fixing to get up off the sofa I felt his hand grab mine " don't leave me I don't want to get up stay here" sungyeol said half asleep half awake
"Don't you want breakfast?" I asked questioningly "no...stay here" he whined and before I knew it he pulled me down next to him,letting out a happy sigh I looked over him from head to toe he was absolutely handsome "admiring me much?" He grinned snapping me out of my trance "n-no" I replied looking away quickly "yah! Look at me,I like the way you always gaze at
Me with those piercing hazel eyes it makes my heart flutter" he confessed smiling, upon hearing his thoughts I turned away from him hiding my already crimson red cheeks pressing my hands to them hoping it would cool down as well as calm me
"Sungyeol oppa?!" I said my cheeks now back to normal "yes?"he asked propping his head in the palm of his hand "I'm bored I want to play" I pouted "ahh and I thought I could spend the whole day cuddling with you!" He said poking out His lip in a pouting manner "fine at least another hour, then promise me we'll play together "ok deal" he replied excitedly bringing two arms around me pulling our bodies even closer. "I love this" sungyeol admitted while tightening his grip around me, I stayed quiet. I felt his breathe against my neck sending my body and mind into a warm Frenzy " you awake?" He whispered into my ear with his morning voice "y-yes" I said turning my head glancing at the clock
"Oppa oppa!! Cuddle time is over !" I said trying to forget the moment we just had, while pointing at the Alarm clock. "Ahh really?! What a party pooper" sungyeol replied sending a slap onto the bed, clearly disappointed "since oppa is so sad cuddle time is over I'll let you pick the game" I replied smiling
"Ahhh oppa knows a great game ! It's called cuddle Time with me !" He said cheekily "no!" I shot down his comment as quickly
As I could " fine then I challenge you to a bake off !" He said evilly
"I accept that challenge ! I'll beat the living crap out of your cake" I said determined

" 3....2....." Sungyeol counted down before he even got to 1 I raced down the kitchen to grab my supplies, hearing sungyeol scream at me from behind sending me into a laughing fit, not even realizing that sungyeol had caught up with me "YAH!! What was that about that's not fair at all !!" Sungyeol protested sending me into another laughing frenzy "yah ! This is not something to be laughing at ! I'm serious right now!" He said as I rolled on the ground crying from all the laughing "O-oppa you w-would've done the s-same thing !!" I replied in between laughter before I knew it I heard sungyeols laughter ring out through the cafés kitchen and he was right beside me rolling around
After we got our laughter controlled we headed to go get our supplies
"Ok oppa what's the theme?" Is asked questioningly
"Love and friendship" he replied mixing his ingredients into a bowl

I watched him as he worked,watching his hands whisk the ingredients together he smiled as he dipped his pinky into the bowl only to pull it back out and tasting it he looked over at me and smiled approaching me with the bowl of whipped cake mix dipping his pinky into the bowl once more "taste" he said as he pulled out his pinky from the bowl "ok..." I said hesitantly "mmm it's great!!" I replied savoring the flavor as he pulled his pinky out of my mouth. "See oppa is best no one can beat this oppa!" Sungyeol said smiling returning to his position in the kitchen, I decided to get to work on my cake "hmmm I need..." Trailing off as I accidentally knocked over a cup of flour resulting it splattering all over me I heard as Sungyeols rapid footsteps ,rushed into the ingredients room "Are you Ok?!!" He asked checking me all over "yes it's just flour" i replied looking down at my now white clothes "here" he chuckled walking towards me with an apron that I had overlooked completely as I was about to take it from him he put it around my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist to tie it "thank you" I said as he knotted it "no problem next time don't scare oppa like that if you need anything sungyeol oppa will always be here" he replied walking out of the ingredient room "how could I live a day without you" I mumbled
"What was that?" Sungyeol asked poking his head around the Corner
"Huh.. Oh nothing" I said shrugging it off and walking to my position
I quickly assembled my ingredients And got started on my cake
'Im going to beat you this time sungyeol oppa!' I thought to myself as I decorated my cake with an animated version of Sungyeol
Smiling to myself I put my icing down and looked down at the colorful frosting that covered the 2 layer cake with sungyeols face on it

"Show time!!" Sungyeol announced clapping his hands together, "on the count of 3 we show each other the cakes" he said with his back turned to me "deal!" I replied turning my back
To him as well "1...2....3!!"we said together turning around "cute" he said reaching for my cake examining it closely. I looked down at his cake it being covered in a pastel blue coloring with eatable pearls lining the 2 layers with the words Chasity your my get away ... I turned it around to read the other half which read as well as my sweet escape. Smiling down at the cake I looked back at Sungyeol watching him examine my cake even more
"Hey let's try each other's ok ! Tell me what you think!" He said smiling while cutting the cake I made for him, I watched as he smiled as he took a bite and closed his eyes savoring a favor "mmm great if I was a top chef I'd give you a A+" he said putting down his empty plate "my turn!" I announced taking the knife in my hand disappointed that I had to damage such a lovely cake "here let me do it" sungyeol offered while taking the knife out of my hand and cutting me a piece "ah thank you" I replied before I took a bite out of the pastel blue cake "mmm delicious" I said savoring the flavoring 'his cakes are to die for!' I thought to myself "I know my cakes are to die for!" He said smirking, I looked at him confused 'how did he know I was thinking that?' I thought to myself .... weird 0.0

"We both done great" sungyeol admitted smiling, "I bet you want to get home now, c'mon I'll walk you home" he said interlocking or hands together
'Ahh I don't want to return home it's so boring and lonely there -.-' I thought to myself as we got halfway to my house "I know it's lonely, you need to just move in with me that way I can keep an eye on you and make sure no guys ask for you number" he said smiling lifting up my hand kissing each knuckle. I smiled at him "well here we are" he said gazing at my door "I hate separating from you, it always kills me inside half of me is gone" he said turning looking at me "I know oppa, half of me is gone as well I always hate separating from you" i replied, he pulled me into a tight hug before opening the door and letting me in "don't forget to lock your doors and windows" he reminded me as he stood in the doorway waiting for me to close the door "ok I will" I replied while shutting the door and locking it immediately, knowing he won't move an inch until he checks if the doors are locked.

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