I Wish I Could Wake Up With Amnesia

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Sungyeols POV

She snuggled more into my chest as tears streamed down my face... tomorrow i will have to leave her and i couldnt leave her without claiming her as mine. I brushed a lonely hair away from her face and kissed her forehead, i still have a million things to tell her... i want to feel her skin and look deeply into her hazel eyes. Removing her arm off of me i snuck out of the room again "Hello?" woohyuns voice spoke over the phone "sorry i just need you and the boys to do something for me.." I explained the situation to Woohyun who after hanging up called the rest of the gang. Returning to bed i cuddled with Chasity her small frame fitting into my tall one perfectly, i pressed my lips to the nape of her neck her scent was driving me crazy and i had to contain myself before i got out of hand. I fell asleep to her scent and her warmth.

Chasity's POV

Opening my eyes i felt something warm on my neck turning around i came face to face with sungyeol whos lips i asume were on my neck. I brushed his Dark Chocolate hair out of his beautiful face and placed my hand on his baby soft cheeks. Sungyeols hand placed over mine as he snuggled more into my hand, opening his eyes he smiled and kissed me. He smiled "remember your mine.. and only mine" he said brushing his nose against my cheek making me giggle in response "you're so adorable Oppa" i confessed as i kissed his cheek "i know" making both of us laugh. "Lets spend this day together" he said as he ate his chocolate chip waffles and took a sip of his freshley brewed Americano "I'd love that!" I replied sitting down beside him in return he just smiled but his eyes weren't the glittering brown orbs that was filled with happiness and affection that I'm  used to seeing instead worry,sadness,and hurt replaced it "what's wrong Oppa" I asked while placing my hand over his in return he held them "nothing why would you ask princess?" He said Cooly "you seem worried...do we need to talk about something" I asked with concern "no honey don't worry about it...I was just thinking" he replied finishing off his waffles and Americano "well you know I'm here if you do need to talk"  I commented, Sungyeol wrapped his arms around me "I know sweetheart,now eat and then go get changed so we can go" he said kissing my head and walking up the stairs. Finishing my meal I walked into Sungyeols room and stripped his clothes off me "The view is great" I turned around to find Sungyeol leaning against the door frame " marry me then you'll be able to see it everyday" I replied winking at him "maybe I will who knows?" He responded walking over to me pushing aside a stray hair "you're absolutely breathtaking" he said "No so bad yourself Oppa" I responded taking in his barely clothed body "are you checking me out?" He asked while striking a pose making me giggle in return "okay my lovely lets get dressed and hurry up before I pounce on you" he said throwing on a shirt.

Sungyeol and I made our way to his car being the gentleman he is he opened the door for me "thank you" I responded "anything for you" he said
He then made his way over to the drivers side and started the engine backing out of the spacious driveway. "where are we going??" I asked "you'll see" was all he said smiling to himself, after 20 minutes of driving Sungyeol opened my door for me and took my hand dragging me into a jewlery store
"Oppa..what are you doing" I stuttered as Sungyeol pulled me over to a collection of expensive rings "Excuse me miss I placed an order here a day or two ago" he spoke to the woman behind the counter "Ah yes Mr.Lee I believe it was this one" the elderly woman answered pulling out a silver box, I watched as Sungyeol opened the container and peeked inside "Yes miss this is the one" he responded  with a smile. "Sungyeol..." I trailed off wondering what he was thinking "Here" was all he said before handing me a silver ring that had 'Sungyeols wife' engraved on the inner part of the ring running my finger across the words a tear slipped down my cheek "I thought you'd like the thought of couple rings" he said smiling at me wiping the straying tear away "I do I love it" I responded looking at the ring "let me see your hand" he said before grabbing the ring and placing it on my ring finger "you know there is a reason why wife and husband have to specially put the ring on that finger" he said looking at the ring "what's the reason?" I asked wonderingly "the reason why is because it is said that the ring finger is connected to the heart which bonds Eternal Love" he replied slipping his ring on. "Where are you taking me this time" I laughed as Sungyeol pulled me out of the Store and into the car "you'll see" is all he replied before pulling out of the parking lot, we drove for 20 minutes Sungyeol and I singing to the songs we knew and laughing at each other finally we pulled into a parking lot "I remember This place!" I said rather excitedly "remember we used to sit right next to the window" Sungyeol reminded me pointing at the cute table and chair "We used to always get Americanos here at this café before going to your grandfathers bakery" I replied "Oh! And remember when we used to always sneak out of the house just to come here and chat" Sungyeol said laughing "And I remember that one time you were trying to escape by jumping out the window and I ended up having to catch you!!" I replied laughing remembering his Hello Kitty boxers "Hey don't judge me on my underwear okay! That was the only clean pair I had that night!" He exclaimed making me laugh again "Whatever you say Oppa" I replied before opening the Cafés door. Sungyeol and I were surrounded by the aroma of Coffee "mmm" we both said inhaling the air "I'll order the coffee you find the seat" Sungyeol announced before turning to the woman behind the counter, making my way over to our old seats I smiled as I traced my fingers over the tiny abbreviation of sungyeols name and my name "Coffee is here" Sungyeol said placing the coffee down "oh I remember the day we did this!" He said running his fingers over our engraved names "it was Christmas Eve we exchanged our gifts that night and sat up the rest Talking about our future" he said smiling "I had the biggest crush on you.. I planned to Marry you...and look at us now.. I'm still loving and wanting to marry you" he said turning toward me "Sungyeol" was all I could say.. That was practically all I thought about "I love you" he said bringing me close to him "I love you to" I replied snuggling deeper into his Chest. Finishing our Coffee we drove back to Sungyeols place "I'm not even tired" he said walking up the stairs and into the room "yeah that Americano keeps me awake"I replied entering the room "it has the same affect on me" Sungyeol said taking his clothes off "what are you doing?" I questioned Sungyeols Actions "I'm undressing...and you should be to" he replied "what why?" Sungyeol Gave me a smile and kissed my lips "Oppa is craving something sweet" he whispered in my ear "well there's Ice Cream in the freezer" I replied fixing to go make him a bowl only resulting in Sungyeol and I on the Bed "I just want to cuddle tonight" he purred into my ear "me to" I replied snuggling into his chest "Chasity... Promise me something.." I looked up into Sungyeols Chocolate Brown eyes "Yes Oppa?" I questioned "Promise me that whatever happens you will love no other man besides me" he said "I promise" I responded I saw sadness creep into Sungyeols eyes making me wonder what could possibly be going on in that beautiful mind of his drifting off to sleep I thought of nothing but tomorrow and what Sungyeol and I would do that day.

I woke up startled my chest pounded and I was sweating I had just awoken from a terrible nightmare I dreamed Sungyeol had left me and I was all alone in this scary and cruel world turning toward the clock it read 12:00 midnight And Sungyeol was asleep I snuggled more into him Hoping to find comfort and peace.

Waking up I looked over at the clock which read 3:00am I looked over to find myself the only one in bed "where did he go?" I questioned, getting up I looked all over the house to find it empty.... Worried I checked his closet half of his clothes were gone and so was his cellphone panicking I called Woohyun "Woohyun?!! Were is Sungyeol?!" I questioned in a worried tone to only get hung up on I checked the fridge and found a note which read 'To my love, I am on my way to America by the time you wake up I will be boarding the plane I love you don't forget that!! love yours truly Sungyeol'
Calling a cab I raced down to the airport getting out I throw random cash towards the driver and sprinted toward the plane boarding for America "Sungyeol, Sungyeol Oppa!!" I screamed out

"Chasity honey calm down" Woohyun said capturing me trying to comfort me "Sungyeol Oppa!" I cried out again, I watched as Sungyeol turned toward me 'I'm sorry' is what he mouthed to me, I watched as a tear streamed down his face he then turned his back on me and boarded the plane leaving me all alone in this world. No last I love you... No last kiss...
No last goodbye

I fell to my knees hopeless as I watched the Plane for America Fly away what was I supposed to do? Without him I'm a lost cause "Chasity" I heard a soft voice say I turned to find Sungkyu right beside me, And watched as a single tear strolled down his face "Oppa" I said sniffling "I know.." Was all Sungkyu said before pulling me into a hug Woohyun,Dongwoo,Myungsoo,Hoya and Sungjong surrounded Sungkyu and I I saw their tear stained faces and knew that I was not hurting alone
"C'mon lets get you home" Sungkyu said taking ahold of my hand and walking me over to his car "Woohyun...I'll keep watch this night.. You get some rest you need it for tomorrow" I heard Sungkyu say to Woohyun "Alright thanks" was all Woohyun said before walking slowly to his car. Sungkyu started the car and took me home "I will stay with you tonight" Sungkyu Announced shutting the door behind us "I have a guest bedroom help yourself to anything " was all I said before shutting my bedroom door, curling up into a ball I stared at the wall... The wall that had many pictures of Sungyeol and I tears streamed down my face "is...he...not..happy?" I asked myself as I slowly drifted to sleep. "Chasity!!  Chasity!!" I woke up to screaming and pounding on my locked bedroom door I slowly walked toward the door opening it up to a frantic and panicking Sungkyu "Thank God you're okay!" Was all he said before pulling me into a hug "you were screaming... It must've been a nightmare" he said stroking my hair ...that night Sungkyu slept on the nearby chair looking after me oddly I felt rather comfortable around him even though it's our second time meeting. In fact I felt comfortable around the rest of them as well.... But that doesn't help the fact that Sungyeol Left me, I could think of no one but him. I woke up to Sungkyu fixing breakfast "what are you doing" I asked "fixing you breakfast.. after what happened yesterday you must have an appetite considering that you went straight to bed and didn't even mind eating dinner " he responded  as he undone the pastel pink apron that was around him "oh yeah... Sorry I should've made you dinner" I replied sitting down at the table "it's okay I ordered pizza" he said sitting my plate down in front of me "how did you know?" I asked looking down at the plate that had all my favorite breakfast items "You'd be surprised at how much I know about you considering he wouldn't stop blabbing about you" Sungkyu mumbled "Thank you" I said taking a bite of my Chocolate chip waffle "No problem" he relied before eating his blueberry muffin "Actually I love cooking for other people" Sungkyu announced finishing off his muffin "really?" I asked questioningly "yeah I really enjoy it" he said helping me wash the dishes, finished with the dishes Sungkyu announced he had to go "oh okay I'll see you later than thank you for comforting me during this hard time" I said standing outside "Chasity promise me something" Sungkyu said with a serious face "what is it?" I questioned slightly feared "do not go out at night and do not answer the door to anyone you don't know and make sure you keep all the doors locked " he said "I promise" I responded before closing the door "What was that about" I questioned slipping under my covers, letting out a sigh when I came face to face with a recently took photo of Sungyeol and I , taking the photo frame in my hand I ran my finger over Sungyeols Face... This picture captured him in middle of laughing and While I was smiling, unable to look at the happy picture I put it down and wondered what my Oppa was doing at This moment before drifting yet again into a deep slumber.

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