Characters: Brock Everglade

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Previously: We met Sky Cumulus, a sweet girl who's both pretty and very popular! But can someone with that many friends be really... lonely? She also may not be the clique kind of girl you expect!

Now we meet Brock Everglade, the first male character on our list!

Brock Everglade

Age: 20 and a half (was held back)

Gender: Male

Element: Earth

Fear: Snakes (I mean, who isn't?!)

Characteristics: Acts tough, very tall and big, kind, outdoorsy, energetic, cliche, forgiving

Loves: Animals, being outside, sports, Summer, plants

Pet Peeves: His twin bro being bossy, bullies, people who litter and big nature destroying machines

Talents: Sports mostly, but climbing and gardening too

Secrets: Is really a softie on the inside, likes to garden and sometimes bake! :3

Pets: A dog named Daisy

Family: An older sister, mom, dad and a twin brother (two grades above who acts like a boss)

Wealth: Poor

Dream: To own a farm or be a sports star, but he hasn't really thought about it

Academy rank: Bender

Stereotype: Jock

Job: Helping his family farm

Friends: His football team

School: Was Willows Academy, but is now Athena

Final Notes: He was once bullied for liking to garden and bake and being such a softie, then he joined the football team and started acting tough, and the bullying stopped. He was also bullied for being held back a grade. And his twin is so smart that he went up a grade, and now acts like he's older. 

Preview: Casper White is mysterious and smart. He's lost a lot in his life, and now acts like an introvert. He thinks love will make him whole, and might find it just around the corner!

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