{Tear Two}

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Lucy's POV:

"Do you like it Lucy?" Mira asked as she spun around in her glamorous wedding dress. My eyes traced along the piece of cloth, it looked like something that came straight out of a fairy tale.

"You look absolutely beautiful." I called out. Her smile beamed as she gave another twirl.

"I'm sure as hell a lucky man!" Laxus bellowed walking over to give his lover a kiss. I tried my best to smile.

Marriage. Everyone around me was doing it, it seemed like every other week I'm invited to watch two happy, "soul mates" tie the knot. I watched as they hugged each other and were completely content.

That should've been me with Natsu.

I still remember it like it were yesterday. I thought I finished the last book in my chapter and was about to live happily ever after.

Then he ran away.

He ran away to be with that person. A person I thought was my best friend, he kissed them instead of me, he loved them instead of me. I loved him, I sadly still do. I can't date anyone else...I can't love anyone else.

Why me?

I ponder this question a lot, especially at times like these. Why must I be the one to be lonely? Why must I be the one to not have a shoulder to cry on? Why must I love somebody who will never be mine?

Levy's POV:
I put on my school uniform, it wasn't mine. I stole it from some all girls high school, when I put this on I'm back to being a 15 year old girl. 

I take the little money I have, and hop on the bus to go to the nice, rich part of town. This has sadly became a daily routine for me.

If I didn't lie, I wouldn't get paid the large sum amount I do. Creepy assholes wanted young girls. I remembered that after this appointment, I have another one with someone who's not a regular.

I entered the huge hotel and the smell emerged quickly into my nose. I've been here before, but I still haven't gotten use to it.

I go up to his room, and give a knock on his door. The man opens up the door with that smile all perverts have.

I have to do this. I tell myself.

I really have to.

Jellal's POV:


The man tilt his head back in utter joy as he checked out his fresh tattoo of some TV show. He then glanced up at me, a huge grin became plastered on his face. "I knew I could trust my friend when he said your shop was the best of the best!"

I gave him wry smile, "No problem." He nodded and pulled out some money. He then left, like the water leaves the ground sometimes. I took my gloves off and grabbed my cigarette case, I had about an hour till my next appointment.




My phone started to buzz, I picked it up and saw Juvia's name on the other line. We've been friends for a long time now. I met her through Erza at a parenting class we all went to one time...she hasn't heard from Erza either.

"Hey Juv!" I called cheerfully. The cheerfulness wasn't returned back.

It was returned with heavy sobs.

"Juvia!" I spoke loudly.

"You're the only one who picked up." She cried. What's going on?

"They took her away!" She screamed.

I knew right way who she was talking about. I started to run towards my car.

"Where are you Juvia! I'll be there in five minutes."

Regret ~Gruvia, Nalu, Gajevy, Jerza~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora