{Tear Three}

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Juvia's POV:

This had to be a dream.

No, not a dream.

A nightmare.

The work day was finally over, I did what I do everyday. Pack up my things, say goodbye to my fellow coworkers working nine to five like me, then I go to pick up my daughter.

She isn't here.

Why wasn't she here?

Where the fuck is my baby!

These were the three thoughts that violently danced in my head as I heavily pondered. Feeling as if I could kill someone with my bare hands. The woman who ran this place stared at me with a pitiful look, as if I were a wounded puppy or something.

"I'm sorry-" I then quickly cut her off.

"Skip this crap, where is Aqua!" I scream the last part at her.

"You can't see her." The woman told me blankly.

"What! I have every damn right to see my child!" My voice was beginning to crack.

"She's not here anymore." The lady squeaked.

"Oh, honey you don't know? Oh, my." She followed up. I waited for her to tell me.

"Her father came and got her, the police came with him...he got papers stating that he had custody over her..."
She then handed me a packet of papers.

"Here you go, Sweetheart." I grabbed the papers and threw them across the room. Gasps from the nosy people who were watching this spectacle emerged.

I broke down. Tears started to rapidly run down my face as I cry, I can't do this...Why does he want her??

After a few moments, I barely stand up.

"Do you have her Father's number?" I spat to the lady. She nodded.

"Call that bitch, and tell him I'm taking him to court...he's not coming out of nowhere and taking my child." I breathed.

I then stroll out of the warm building to be greeted by the cold, harsh wind.

Lucy's POV:

The woman's moans seemed to occur like the pattern of a drum into my headphones.

Today's the day I'm going to do it. I told myself removing my underwear, I put my fingers into my mouth and lick around. I then take them out and head toward my entrance. I accidentally glare at the porn. Just for a second I saw the image of it happening.

Utter disgust overwhelms me.

I quickly close my laptop, and run to the bathroom to wash my hands. While, I'm at it, I begin to throw up in the toilet.

I have Sexual Aversion Disorder.

Sex disgusts me, the thought of doing that makes me cringe and feel nauseous. That's why everyone I've have ever been with has left me...it's like I'm some walking freak show. I'm repulsed by my own genitals, what am I?

I finish throwing up and walk over to the sink, I take a good look in the mirror. A girl with blond hair and chocolate eyes stared back at me. She looked sad, she looked like she cried a lot, she looked like she hated herself.

She does.


Regret ~Gruvia, Nalu, Gajevy, Jerza~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora