{Tear Seven}

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Ezra POV:

Freedom, I can taste it.

It was hard to hold my smile in as I sat in the office waiting to be released. In just a few moments I'll be out in the real world again.

You can kill yourself out there Erza...can't you?

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, I begin to think of sweet thoughts before my life became this. I thought about my daughter, I thought about him...

You can kill him too...he's the reason you're like this.

"Shunt up." I saw to myself, the office lady gave me a weird look so I smiled at her, the last thing I needed was her telling them I'm talking to myself. I thought about the plan my disgusting doctor told me to do, he said I was to wait at the broken down local park near Main Street for him. He said if I did not he would instantly put me back into this hellhole, he told me he had a job for me...I began to ponder what it was.

"Ezra Scarlet?" A woman cheerfully says taping my shoulders. I glance up at the old woman and nod, I can see the pity in her eyes and I immediately become disgusted.

"It's time darling."

Regret ~Gruvia, Nalu, Gajevy, Jerza~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora