{Tear Five}

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Erza POV:

"I wanna leave this place, I'm not crazy goddamnit." I confess to my asshole of a doctor.

"Have you been taking you're meds."

Say yes.

"Yes," I slowly, but surely lie as I try to give direct eye contact with him. I've been trapped in this looney bin for over a year now, I'm not mad. I'm perfectly fine.

Just different.

Kill your self, the voice in my head sings. It always says that, it's the reason I'm in this place right now. It wants me to die, I guess it knows what I truly want in life.

But, I've learned how to get out of this place, I have to lie. I can't tell them I cry at night, I can't tell them I want to die, I can't tell them that I barf up my antidepressants. I just have to fake a smile.

"Now." My doctor says giving me that grimy smile I hate, he touches my thigh and starts to stroke it.

"You promised me something, right?" He breaths leaning closer.

Oh, yeah...I forgot about this.

If I do this I will get out in a week.

Do it. That voice echoes.

I do it.

This chapter short af. Lmao.

Regret ~Gruvia, Nalu, Gajevy, Jerza~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora