{Tear Six}

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Hello. BEYONCES NEW ABLUM THOUGH YES QWEEN. (Time of writing this is 4/24/16)

Levy's POV:

I've never been to this place before.

I enter the hotel where I'm meeting my new client, the lady at the desk gives me such a look like she knows exactly what I'm about to do.

"Here you go." She spats handing me the key, I nod and start to leave. There was no way in hell I was thanking  that bitch.

I get to the door and knock, wondering what this man will look like. "Come in." The deep voice calls out, I do exactly as he says.

"Get comfortable," he says from the bathroom. I nod and take my clothes off, that's what they always mean when they say get comfortable. The man walks out and I instantly tense up.

"I knew I would find you here." Gajeel says with a smirk on his face.
Juvia POV:

What am I going to do? I've been crying for the past few hours now, the only reason I lived was taken away from me.

My phone started to ring and I quickly collected myself, I knew exactly who it was. I had to sound confident, I promised I wouldn't let him see me weak again. 

"How's my Juvia doing?" Gray says with that voice of his I hate.

"I don't know how your Juvia is doing, I don't know the bitch, but I know how I'm doing." I say back having no time for his mind games.

"I was-"

"Why? What do you want...leave us alone please Gray, I'm not the one who told you to leave." I mutter feeling myself about to break down.

"For the last time I didn't leave because I didn't care for you, I left cause if my family found out I had the child by you...I wouldn't be at the level of success I am now."

"So you chose success over you're daughter and the woman you claim to love." I said, he's spatting bullshit.

"You know I still love you...if you want you can come live with Aqua and I." He says, I could feel his slimy grin through the phone.

"You're toxic! This relationship is toxic, no! I refuse to even touch you and I sure refuse to even let you put my child into that corrupt place you call a home." 

"What sounds better a mansion or the rat hole you live in?"

I start to roll up to my apartment and get out the car. I walk up the steps and drop everything in my hands.

There stood Aqua holding hands with Gray.

Regret ~Gruvia, Nalu, Gajevy, Jerza~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora