Cleard up

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* Hunter's POV *
I didn't mean to get mad at Kenzie. It's just her old friend from New York. Even though they did date . I'm just jealous. She was really upset I could tell based on what she texted to me. When she comes over I'm going to run up to her and say something sweet. I hope she doesn't get mad at me?. My mom had her come over to clear up things between us. I miss seeing her and talking to her even if it was just a day but the fight was going on for 3 days. I miss broadcasting with her. I just Mia her in all shapes and forms.
Momma💞🙏🏽❤️- Hunter lets go she's here!
Huntaaa❤️💯- Ima on my way!

She was at the door.
*Now(POV ended)*

"Hey Christine!" Kenzie said.
"Hi hon come in!" Christine said excitedly. I saw Hunter at the stair case, he was just standing there looking at me with a smile. I was wondering to myself "umm why is he looking at me!?" He walked up to me grabbed my hand. I question him "Hunter are u ok?" He replied with "Your my girl right? Your my princess right? Your my girlfriend right? You my true love right?" I was worried and said "yea I'm your girl, yes I'm your princess, yes I'm your girlfriend, and yes I'm your love. What are you saying?" I started to cry.
"Mackenzie Alyssa Tripp, your mine I don't wanna lose you now or ever. I would cry everyday if I saw you with someone else. You walked into my life and you changed my life. I just don't know what I would do with out you in my life. Your MY girl, your MY princess, your MY girlfriend, Your MY love! Your everything to me Mackenzie. I'm sorry for the fight." I started to cry and I buried my face into his shoulder. I didn't reply to him for the fact that I just didn't know what to say. "Mackenzie you can go with Hunter that's y I wanted you over so he and you can be with each other" Christine has said. I smiled say her and Hunter took me upstairs. "Hunter John is just one of my friends we have been friends since I was little. I was friends with his step sister Samantha and that's how John and I became friends. Back in 2nd grade. I'm sorry if u got mad I texted him Hunter I really am really sorry, I told John to not text me again just for u." I said. "Kenzie don't worry about it I'm over it I promise I was over reacting over u texting your friend from New York. I was just jealous and now I'm over it." Hunter replied calmly.
               *5:30 that night*

I have to go take a shower I hade Varsity Soccer practice today and I smell bad. "Christine may I take a shower please?" I ask. "Yes u may Kenzie!" Christine replied. It took me about 15 minutes to take a shower. "Hunter is my bag in your room!" I yell across the hall. "No it's not here Brandon check your room you to Ashton!" Hunter said. "Nope not in here... Nope not here!" The boys said. Hunter gave me his 1-800 Rowland bling black sweatshirt. And his grey Nike sweat pants. I got dressed and put up my hair into a messy bun, I don't bother with the make up. I walk into his room and say "Thank you for the clothes, I'll give them back I forgot my bag at home like a bozo!." Hunter laughed and said "it's ok I don't mind. I'm not going live tonight so do u just wanna cuddle and watch a movie?" I blushed and of course I said "yeah we can!" He put in the movie and he has the best bed ever it's a water bed! We got in his bed and he pulled me closer to him so I was right against him. Not even 45 minutes into the movie I fell asleep in his chest(next to him with my head on his Chest) . He kissed me on the forehead and said "Good night my princess." I woke up in the middle of the night and he was sleeping. He woke up and looked at me. I just had to go to the bathroom so.

A/n: Comment and let me know how it was I need advice I the story so far.. I'm sorry for not updating but mid terms are soon and I need to study I'll try to keep up with updating for you guys!

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