Almost Lover - Song Fic

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Your fingertips across my skin

The palm trees swaying in the wind,


Harry holds me in his arms, my body shaking in tears, I am lifeless and tired. My quiet tears falling down my delicate face, dampening my olive skin.

Around us, the wind is rattling the window pane and the trees outside. The crackling logs of the fire almost bring me to a state of serenity. Snow softly falls to the ground. Each snowflake, delicate, easy to break, fall onto the ground, blurred into the background, no longer unique.

Harry's soft touch traces my facial features, trailing the faint trails of the tears. Slowly, but steadily caresses my damp, tangled curls. My tears still flowing gently.

You sang me Spanish lullabies,

The sweetest sadness in your eyes,

Clever trick.

Harry's deep voice breaks the silence, humming my favorite song, 'Torn'. My voice strains and tries to sing along to his beautiful melody. His gentle humming creates a strong contrast from my raspy, broken voice.

The more I sing along, the less pain I feel. Longing for comfort I grip onto Harry tighter.

Staring into his deep, green eyes, I see my own reflection. His own eyes locked onto my face, never wavering. The more I look, the more I see. He reflects my own sadness, but differently.

Well, I'd never want to see you unhappy,

I thought you'd want the same for me.

Harry rises to his feet and he leaves me on the bed with my arms wrapped around my legs, shaking in the empty room. He takes a last glance at me then swiftly turns and walks away, not looking back. Even as I sob and weep, he doesn't come back.

Goodbye my almost lover

Goodbye my hopeless dream

I'm trying not to think about you

Can't you just let me be

I'm crying, begging him to come back. I have no one left to love. My family has left and I spent so much time with Harry, I hardly have anyone to rely on.

My eyes dry out and I curl up in a ball. I guess at one point I fell asleep because I dream about all the poeple I have lost; my brother, my sister, my friends, my father, my mother. All the people I have let down.

And now I have lost Harry, he was all I had. I try not to dream about his chocolate curls, his sweet dimples, his gorgeous green eyes. It only brings me pain.

So long my luckless romance

My back is turned on you

Nothing can help me now. I am broken, like a china doll, even if I were glued back together you would be able to see the cracks.

Silently in the night I weep myself awake, I look around, I'm still alone and I head over to my room, our room. I look at the bare dressers, harry took everything he owned. As if he never exsisted, but I know he did. He helped me feel more alive than I have ever felt.

But now, It's hard to feel anything when so many times before, so many people have made you feel worthless.

Should of known you'd bring me heartache,

Almost lovers always do.


This was very interesting to write and I loved the idea of using a song :) Well I have always loved 'Almost Lover' and I still think it's a great song so this was the best thing ever for me!


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