Black Flies - Song Fic

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Black flies on the windowsill

That we are

That we are

That we are to know

Winter stole summer's thrill

And the river's cracked and cold

Louis felt the cold air rush through his house as he opened the window. The warm summer days were fleeting memories to him now. Louis knew that with every silent minute, every empty tick from the clock above his bed, he was being pulled farther and farther away from Harry.

He wiped away the dead flies scattered across his chipped, white windowsill. The cracked paint was peeling off of the wooden boards. He stared out into the menacing darkness. Such a contrast to the glowing image of the young man with a shining smile, and long, gorgeous, brunette locks. Who knew winter would come so quickly.

See the sky is no man's land

A darkened plume to stay

There seemed to be no stars that night, no light in the dreary town he called home. Even the ivory moon was hushed into a pale light. The sadness and desperation coming from Louis must have seeped into the atmosphere of that chilly night because there seemed to be a black cloud hanging over the city. The cloud was hanging so low that the weight was crushing him. The pressure was pushing against his chest, the same chest that Harry's head rested on so many times before.

Louis closed the window and turned on the light of his bedroom. As he wrapped his small frame into his duvet, he thought of the comfortable heat of summer.

Hope here needs a humble hand

Not a fox found in your place

Louis knew that to get over Harry he would need someone else. He would need to pour his unwavering feelings into a kind soul. Louis needed a certain shot for happiness. He was sure he wanted anyone who was different from Harry. His body aching for a stable lover, who would permanently fill the void in his heart. He did not wish for a temporary whim to replace his sadness with joy for only a few months.

No man is an island, this I know

He was aware that he could not be alone. Without anyone else to comfort and support him, he would crumble into nothing. Loneliness was a feeling Louis had felt an excruciating number of times in the past. He never thought that he would have to suffer through it again after he stumbled upon those luscious lips and deep dimples.

Louis gently removed his contacts and placed his dark rimmed glasses onto his face, they sat calmly on the bridge of his dainty nose. The usually sweet, turquoise eyes of his had become a dismal, deep twilight blue. His small fingers traced patterns, ones he knew so well, among the half empty sheets. The patterns he outlined were the same ones that longer, more slender fingers had drawn before him on his back.

But can't you see, oh?

Unlike Louis, Harry could not recognize that he needed someone stable for his yearning heart. Harry was a nomad, never staying, wandering from lover to lover. He pushed people away without much thought.

Maybe you were the ocean when I was just a stone

Louis thought he was nothing in Harry's eyes, yet Harry had become such an important part of Louis' life. He saw Harry as his whole world, an essential part of his daily life. He was convinced Harry saw him as just another partner, an insignificant part of his life.

Black flies on the windowsill

That we are

That we are

That we are to hold

Both Louis and Harry knew the relationship was toxic. They knew it carried unwanted pain and troubles. Escaping was the problem. Louis tried leaving many times, but something held him back. He wasn't sure what or why. All he was sure of was the steady reassurance that he will find someone to love that strongly again.

Comfort came against my will

And every story must grow old

And even though the torment of Harry leaving him was torturous, over time Louis forgot small memories. He found himself being able to listen to songs without thinking of Harry, or seeing a smile and not recalling the wide grin of the boy he once loved. The comfort came slowly as the time kept passing, despite his reluctance to let go.

Still I'll be a traveler

A gypsy's reins to face

Harry had felt strong feelings for the older boy too, despite Louis' thoughts. He simply was not aware of how to display those feelings. He remembered all his past partners and knew that they were not what he was looking for. He at first thought the same for Louis, but after a few weeks with him he was proven wrong. The way Louis' scruffy brown hair would flop into a fringe, and the way it seemed to never look combed had Harry aching to caress it everyday. The twinkling blue eyes would stare into his own deep green ones and would cause Harry to tremble at the knees. The older boy always believed he was so tough yet Harry only saw him as a small, lovable teddy bear. Louis' frame was so much smaller than Harry's and he would remember how Louis' legs would tangle with his own longer ones, Louis being the "big" spoon.

Harry had to leave though, for there was too much difficulty in the relationship, and that was what he did. Harry knew that he would not find a love like Louis, so he told himself to keep strolling through life like before. He would travel around never finding a true home.

But the road is wearier

With that fool found in your place

Just a few months after, spring was around the corner and Louis found a new individual to call his. It never truly got easier for Louis, especially with his new love. He could not help but compare the newfound relationship with his past romance. Even after all this time he would never sincerely forget his beautiful Harry, and Harry never forgot his perfect Louis.


Yo yo yo! So that was another songfic for you people. It seems that these are always sad. Oops! Sorry man my one shots are sad because I always get inspired to write at night when I listening to slow songs. Whatever, ok so I hope you enjoyed this.

This was based off of "Black Flies" by Ben Howard.


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