Emergency - One Shot

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"Annie!" Harry screams at her. Annie keeps walking away from him, downstairs to the kitchen. "Annie!" he screams again. She grabs her coat and the keys to their flat. Annie keeps walking away from him; all he ever caused was heartbreak. He had a reputation, a womanizer reputation; however she didn't believe all the stories and she gave him a chance. She hardly hears the screams of her name anymore. All of a sudden the shouts cease. Annie hesitates to press the down button for the lift. She waits, facing the closed metal doors, until she hears the sudden crash and clutter of glass from their apartment. An overwhelming feeling of guilt starts chewing at her insides and she rushes towards the sound. Harry couldn't control his rage at times and she knew what harm he could do to himself. As Annie walks back silently, tears stream down her fair skin. She tremblingly pushes the adjacent door open and forces herself to look at the mess Harry made.  She finds herself looking at Harry down on his knees, blood all over his hands, seemingly from the mirror shards that surround him. Looking closer at Harry she notices deep gashes across his wrists. Dropping to her knees, she quickly reaches for her phone while she clutches Harry's shivering body.

In a blur, she struggles to see through her watering eyes but manages to dial 999 and reports the accident. "999...what is your emergency..."

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