Feel - One Shot

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"Alexia, babe, please, please" Michael sobbed over his loved one. Muffled sounds were all he could hear, the world around him disappeared as she left him alone.

"Mikey," she croaked in between sobs, "Please let go." Alexia's normally tanned skin faded quickly as her last words left her mouth.

So many sounds, too many sounds to comprehend. The sounds were alarms. Lights were flashing. Red and blue lights. Nothing made sense to him right now. Suddenly everything stopped. People around him stopped, but he ran. He ran to the farthest place he knew of.

He kept running until he reached a bridge. This very same bridge Alexia and Michael kissed for the first time, here is were he had proposed to her. He knew that everything with her started here. It also ended here. Michael was too busy staring at her beautiful face to notice the truck. Now it was his fault she was in the hospital, dead.

"Sir, get down from there," A loud voice commanded him. "Sir, please get down, don't hurt yourself."

Silenced passed. Thoughts jumbled around in his head. Words breaking his heart into even more fragmented pieces. He turned to the man talking to him.

"Funny, when others see your pain, they say it will get better. They say to 'stop thinking irrationally.' To think about the good in their lives." Michael finally said, after moments of silence. "But once they feel it, the same pain. They realize. It really doesn't get better. Life is one endless, pointless black hole.There isn't anything to feel after the one who made you finally feel something is gone."

And that was the last thing he felt before the sharp pain of the ice cold water, the hard impact against him.



IDEK WTF THIS WAS. i was feeling inspirational to write and this kinda came out. sorry if it made you sad. sorry if it was really bad.

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