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Me: Whhhhhy meeeee????

Capricorn: The sooner we start, the sooner we get this over with

Virgo: It won't be that bad...

Me: Wah, okay. From xXxTimeForSnowxXx, she asks meh:

1) what is your inspiration to write?

Me: Ehhh, inspiration to write has to be anime and my best friend. They both tie in together so I have to say both...

2) If you have one wish and could wish for anything, what will it be?

Me: For anime to be real *nodding* Yeah....

3) Besides Wattpad, what do you do in your free time?

Me: Free time, I'm usually on YouTube or messaging friends. I also read on other websites (since I can't say Wattpad) like fanfiction.net, Quotev.

4) How low will you go to get with your crush? On scale of 1 - 10

Me: When you say low...do you mean how bad, or how far? Either way, it'd be a 5, because he has to meet me halfway, I'm not going to so low for someone if they won't make use of my time.

5) What has been your biggest achievement in life so far?

Me: Waking up in the morning......I really want to go back to sleep once I open my eyes.

6) Your favourite Fandom?

Me: Too many to pick but I'd say either Hetalia or Magi, because I remember them for so long now...

7) Zodiac Sign?

Me: Actual sign is a Gemini but if it's favourite, I'm going with Taurus. Just because.

8) What do you want to do to someone you hate?

Me: Do I even hate someone?...........I'd want to slap at most. I don't really have the nerve to actually beat them up or stab them in the mind. Just don't be so moody or a liar to me, that's all.

9) Your biggest fear?

Me: Hmmmmmmmm..... Loneliness.

10) How you DREAM to look like?

Me: I pretty much look like how I dream like except without green eyes.

11) Your worst habit?

Me: Biting my nails....making myself bleed, not by cutting. I don't like blades. I just keep scratching or biting myself until I bleed.....It's sick, I know but that's why it's my worst habit.

12) What do you think is your best trait?

Me: physically, I think it's my hair. Mentally, I think it's the fact that I will always give, even if I might've said no earlier.

13) What do you think people see in you the most?

Me: There's a lot of opinions about me honestly so I don't really know what they might actually see in me
Ookay! That's all my answers for xXxTimeForSnowxXx

Now, people want to be arses and give me more to answer -_-

So, I don't want to answer their own................I am just going to end it here, with just that. I am so freaking tired, I don't want to tag anyone else nor do I want to work my brain.

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