monday, october 27, 2014
dear delilah,
oh hell yes! THE PARTS WERE POSTED AND I GOT PETER PAN! FUCK YOU HARRY I GOT THE MALE LEAD AND IM A FUCKING FEMALE. IN YOUR FUCKING FACE! so you know i can just be mad at harry for now when I'm with you... but I'm freaking out. and luckily this is a journal and luckily you don't see this... but what is i am lesbian? is harry right? do i make googly-eyes at meghan? oh i hope i don't. i really hope i dont.well anyhow the parts. so I'm walking in and i hear some of your other friends saying "the parts were posted!" so i run to the auditorium and BAM. there i am peter pan. and right below me guess who..... YOU DEL!! YOU GOT WENDY!! OMG IM SO HAPPY WE GOT THE LEADS!!
i passed ms hawkins test!!! I GOT A C!!! I'm so happy. i talked to her about it and she was like, "I'm proud of you jade, you have improved" and thats a lot coming from ms hawkins.
i was reading through the script earlier, and there is a scene where you, well wendy, asks me peter pan (pp) to kiss you or something like that. and pp is like whats a kiss? and wendy has to explain. thats going to be an awkward scene. i already have butterflies thinking about it... like those butterflies i get when i think of megan.
-.- omg. oh. my. god. HOLY SHIT!
do i like you?!?!? why am i all fluttery and nervous on the aspect of kissing you! wait IM NOT EVEN GOING TO KISS YOU! you are just my friend. i couldn't have feelings for you!! i gotta go think about this. i can't possibly like my best friend...
Dear Jade,
Okay so I'm still so upset with Harry. I love him lots but he gets so annoying some times. He cannot mess with my best friend.I was walking into school, giving everyone the evil eye incase one of them is Harry when Lucy, Meghan, Susan, and Allison came over and informed me that the cast list was up. Meghan announced excitedly that she got Tiger Lily, she had been dancing since she was 5 so it makes sense she got the dancing role. The nervous jitters started again. There goes one of the roles I auditioned for. They made a circle around me to push me through the crowd lining up to see the list. Half the kids didn't even audition for the play that were there! I guess these plays are very popular. When we got to the front (followed my a bunch of evil glares to me now) my friends blocked the list from my view, smiled widely, and yelled SURPRISE! They split apart and I saw the list. Right away I saw your name as Peter Pan (I did a little happy dance for you) and then looking right under at "Wendy Darling" was my name "Delilah Princeton". I SQUEALED SO LOUDLY.
When I got out of the group I quickly spotted you and gave you the biggest hug ever. I think I squeezed all the air out of you. (Note to self: tell the real you that I am sorry) Anyways, I am SO SO SOOOO happy that we got the leads. I was skipping around the whole day and flashing smiles instead of the evil glare I planned to wear all day.
Harry apologized later that day. He seemed really upset that he said that about you, I forgave him but I'm still not over that! It's just not right!!!
I picked up the script after school. I was so excited I started reading it right then and there. The scenes between Peter and Wendy are so funny and cute. We're going to nail it!!! You're going to have so much fun beating up Harry since he got Captain Hook. He seemed so mad that you got Peter! I was secretly laughing. He deserved it!
Then I came across a part in the script about an almost kiss. I don't know why, but this struck me. They don't even kiss yet I feel awkward at just the thought of it. I don't know how I feel exactly or why but I don't like the idea. When we do this scene I feel like God intends something big to happen. I am scared for it, but the show must go on!
Lots of love,
DelilahPs: you keep bringing up the "Hey There Delilah" song and I'm starting to get very annoyed
Curtain Call
Teen Fiction--stopped for right now-- --collaborated story with the talented splatterswirl. Check out her books!-- Jade Summers: -Religion? Pure Christian. Sigh. -Sexuality? ??? -Relationship Status? Single Pringle (so, VERY MUCH SINGLE) -Favorite color? Iri...