The Woman

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The breeze ruffles his dark hair that touched his shoulders when he opens the thick wooden door, pushing it, grabbing the metal handle with lion's head. He tosses his head, throwing the hair back, away from his face while entering the big empty hall, empty except for a couch, an ornamental vintage sofa that is decorated with golden threads in a purple velvet fabric. The golden rays of the morning sun filters through the large glasses of the window, pouring in its power of illumination to decorate the hall with its wings. Echoing through the grand hall, his footsteps marches inside and in few steps, he stops to close the door behind, bolting it tight.

"Why are you closing the door?," She asks, bewildered.

"Our affiliation is not the one to exhibit," he says firmly and a small smile spreads in her small lips.

Saying that, he walks towards her, his nose almost parallel to the sky line, in sheer pride.

"Okay let's start!," He says and she frowns hearing the voice of a military man like he is going to enroll the parade or something.

Without complaining, she starts to do what she is being ordered to do. Dripping her long peach gown that pools around her legs, she walks to the sofa and lie down, leaning on to a side exposed as a new born.

He inches near and inspects her for a good long minute that turns her whole body to stand in the edge like that of the bristle. Placing his hand under her chin, he tilts her face up so that her small lips are elaborated in a way, only he can see.

Satisfied by her posture, he inhales sharply by watching the sensual beauty of her curves and imagines how soon it is about to get shaped in his hands. Controlling his urge to fondle the libidinous curves, he intent to start from the beginning.

Caressing her auburn curls, he slide his hands to the ears and then to jaw line. Cupping it with his hands, he tends to her forehead. When he is done with it, he drops to her nose and then to the most sensual part, her red painted lips, sexy even if it is small. He takes abundant amount of time to handle the lips, more than essential, learning on every details the lips can provide him. He even forgets to breathe, on keenly performing his deed and only remembers when his lungs gasps for oxygen.

The neck has its turn and then the feathery bosom under his caressing hands. He handles them as softly as he could, really careful not to cause any permanent mark on them, providing them a pleasant torture. Finally, the curves, taking his own time to stroke the hips, he grins ear to ear when it perfectly fits, under his hands. He didn't want to miss even a small part of her body hence the hands and legs has its chances in his burning fingers, rubbing them tenderly, along their whole lengths.

He is just finished with her and pleased that he is, he sighs heavily, smiles at her from the bottom of his heart.

"Is that it?," She asks and his eyes twinkles in the setting sun rays that barges in through the west ward windows.

He smiles at her, reverently and nods with a grand smile, as an answer to her question.

"Shall I?," She asks, showing her dress, asking his permission.

"Yes you may but one moment please," he says and investigates her body from head to toe.

She put on her clothes, walks to him who was showing his back to her.

"Here you go," he hands over some cash which she takes and starts to count.

"It's quite a lot. More than you have promised," She says, creasing her brows in bewilderment.

"Yes, I am aware of that," He winked, crossing the hands across his chest and she doesn't need further explanation.

She takes a glimpse to the side, the shimmering sun rays lit up her face, glowing in golden gleam.

"I am not Auburn," she complains.

He laughs out loud while lighting up a cigar.

"And it doesn't look like me at all," she says, scrunching her nose, waving her hands in the air.

"My dear! I asked for a model," he says, chuckling at the face she makes.

"What are you gonna name it?," She asks abruptly but he seems cool with it.

"I am not going to name it. Let the viewers' vivid imaginations guide them," he says, shrugging nonchalantly.

"Okay I am off now. Good luck!," She waves goodbye and walks away towards the wooden door, her heels slamming down repeatedly making the noise echoing through the hall of Arts.

He turns, looking over his shoulders, once to see the Painting he made with his own hands, drinking in its beauty, he stride out of the hall, closing the door behind him.


(10/01) Hi! Hope you like the story :-)

And I wanna know how many dirty minds read the story and at the end smiled to themselves shaking their head... ;-)

Come on guys!

Ok.. So hit the little stary if you like my story Akiprabagar

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Aki ~ ♥

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