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Once upon a time, high up in the skies, there existed two Kingdoms which were once united, now stood apart, as rivals. Though the present generation were not much into that incident and always wished to be united, none took the initiative to bring peace. The two Kingdoms, Kingdom of Heavenna and Kingdom of Hellixa were ruled by their respective Guardian Angels, Angie and Demox. The only custom that was followed all these decades was that the peers were not allowed to cross the borders.

One fine day, when Demox was taking a stroll along the borders he heard a melodious song. The instant he heard the song, he felt a pull towards that voice. He went to the lake from where the song echoed. Unfortunately, the song had come to an end when he reached. He looked around for any presence and caught a glimpse of a silhouette of a lady disappearing into the woods. Since then, Demox visited the lake everyday in the hope of meeting her but all in vain. He was woebegone as he wasn't able to find her even after a month. Unknowingly, he had fallen for her. He decided to write a note for her and pinned it on the tree near the lake.

Angie was observing Demox all these days from her secret hideout. She was curious to know about him, as he was the only one she had seen near the lake. As she was the Guardian Angel, everyone maintained a distance and no one had taken interest to know about her. She read the note which he had left for her "Wish to hear your song again. Love your sweet voice" and smiled. She left a reply for him "Do not search for me and listen the song from where you are". The next day when she saw Demox reading her note, she sang for him.

From then, they had started conversing through notes and she sang for him everyday. Eventually they fell in love with each other without realizing who they were. One day Angie expressed her wish to unite both the kingdoms and Demox had promised to fulfill her wish. The next day Angie received a letter requesting peace and after discussing with the royal courtiers, they sent their approval and they had fixed a day for the celebrations. All were too excited for their union.

Angie left a note for Demox that night stating that she would sing for him and she was eager to meet him. Demox was delighted seeing the note. His dreams were going to become a reality. He stuck a reply note and went back home grinning wide. "My lady, I hope you won't refuse what I ask of you. This will be the last note I'm writing to you I guess. I'll come to you when you end your song. Match me with red. Waiting to see you." The preparations were on full swing. All were busy in getting the arrangements done for the day.

Finally the long wait had ended and the big day arrived. All their hearts bubbled up in joy. Cheerful laughter, colorful lights and mouthwatering dishes were spread everywhere. A huge crowd gathered around the dais as Angie started her song. As she ended her song, the crowd parted making way for their new king. And then they met, falling deep in love, bringing peace for the Kingdoms and their hearts. The King and Queen lived happily ever after in their Kingdom of Heavell.


Author - Kyra (19/03)

Hope you liked it :)

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