Chapter 9

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    "What the Fuck?!" Louis screams. I lurch forward in the bed. I turn my head to find that I was alone in said bed. I climb out of the sheets and make my way to the door seeing as there was a loud commotion going on near. I open my door and find Lou, Lottie and Danielle hiding around a corner observing the scene. I rush to join them and watch.

"Who did this?!" Liam questions walking out of his rooms his arms are up and covered in honey and whipped cream.

"Like hell if I know!" Louis yells also looking like a mess. Harry and Manny also stood in the hallway confused at their appearances.

"Bro, your hair..." Manny notices Liam's Dye job. Liam turns to the hall mirror gasping in horror.

Niall walks up the stairs tiredly. "What's everyone yellin bout?" He mumbles, it's hard to even understand him with his morning voice AND Irish accent. He finally realizes what's going on and begins laughing.

"Niall did you do this?" Harry asks.

"No, but I wish I had, this is beautiful." He laughs harder. Niall pulls his phone out snapping a few pictures of the mess we've created.

"Who the heck did this then?" Manny questions. His confusion causes me to giggle only to have Lottie clamp her hand over my mouth so that we aren't found. To no avail though. All the boys' heads turn swiftly towards our direction. They begin to all move slowly toward the wall we were hiding behind.

Once we knew they were too close for us to not get caught we jumped out and screamed. Frightening most of the boys, Harry and Liam tripped over one another falling to the ground. Niall smiled at us and Manny and Louis just seemed confused.

"Hey baby." I coo toward Manny walking over but not hugging him due to the crazy mess on his body.

"How- why... I'm so confused." He sighed rubbing a hand over his face. We all looked at Lottie so that she could explain what happened. After we had shared our adventurous tale with the boys they decided to take showers and clean up, while we girls make some breakfast to make up for our prank.

Niall just sat and watched some tv while shouting "motivational" commands such as, "doing good ladies fry those eggs." "You call that bacon? We're not in Canada ladies it can't be as flimsy as the ham they sell ya over there!" "You can do it! Just make one perfect circle pancake, ONE!"

After enduring Niall's "constructive criticism" Manny came downstairs in a pair of pajama pants and no shirt. I wiped my hands clean on a dishrag and walked up to him kissing him swiftly on the lips. He smiled and then offered to help us cook.

"No, we're fine love! Just go watch some telly with Niall!" Lou disregards his offer and continues her skillful cooking.

Once all the boys come downstairs the food is ready and already set up on the table. The boys attack their meals mumbling how good it was in the process. We all had a good laugh and chatted about the nights we had.

Apparently some girls came up to Louis and asked him to take a picture of Manny and Herself. In Miami, baseball fans are everywhere.

"So Sesley had a great idea last night." Lou announces. "We should all have our own small Christmas gathering before or after all of our family visits ya know?"

"Oh that actually sounds lovely!" Liam supports. "Let's see, Niall leaves on the 22nd to Ireland. I leave on the 21st. Louis? you, Lots, and Harry are leaving when?" He asks.

"I believe on the 23rd." Louis answers also keeping track of all the information.

"Ok, so if we all stay with our families for that week up until the 27th of December. Everybody comes back to Miami by the 28th. We can have like a small Christmas on the 29th. And then we can all go to Grimmy's party for New Years together on the 31st." Liam concludes.

"Ugh so many dates, I thought we were on 'Hiatus' now." Niall complains.

We all laugh and agree on the dates and continue eating. Eventually once were finished everybody helped pick up and washed their own dish, with the exception of Louis who claimed his hands were too pretty to become pruned. After everything had been cleaned we all sat in the living room with a laptop in front of us on YouTube.

"Click on that one now!" Harry shouts pointing at the cutest Harry Styles Moments of 2015 video.

"Jesus Harry I'm right here you don't need to shout!" Lottie groans clicking on it. We watch the whole way through smiling and laughing at every video until Lottie accidentally clicks on a Larry is real (proof) video. I turn to face the boys who look oddly uncomfortable and reach over and close the laptop. Harry looks at me with a small smile and stands up. He extends his hand towards me and gestures for me to go with him. He does a small head nod to Louis who gets up and follows.

My curiosity is at an all time high. The boys lead me to a smaller guest room downstairs and I sat down at the foot of the bed. Louis walked over to the small desk in the corner and handed me a paper.

"What is this?" I ask looking it over thoroughly.

"It's a confidentiality agreement. Basically stating that if we hang out you can't sell any stories to the press unless we know, and everything that we tell you is strictly between us. Manny signed one last night before we went out." Louis explained.

"It's not that we don't trust you or anything, this just has a lot more to do with management." Harry says obviously annoyed that this has to be necessary before having friends.

"Oh ok no problem guys." I agree I grab a pen on the desk and sign. "Is that all?" I ask knowing it's not.

"Well now that you've signed, I guess it's safe to tell you..." Louis looked to Harry.

"Louis and I are dating." Harry watched me carefully I think in a way he was scared that I wouldn't approve.

"Wow, um you guys are going to hell." I state calmly.

The boys' expression was one of shock. "For putting me through this! Do you know how fucking long I've waited for this!" My inner Larrie bursting through. "I have shipped you guys for 5 mother fucking years! Do you know how much I have cried thinking about how you guys were so obvious and couldn't come out!"

Harry laughed and looked at peace and Louis just smiled fondly at my reaction. "Thank you for being so cool about this, I get that you're very religious and it's probably weird in that aspect." Harry smiles.

"Harry I like to think I'm a very good Catholic woman, however I was always raised to believe that God loves everyone, no matter how you were born." I explain. He smiles at me grabbing my hand and bringing it to his lips. Louis sits on the other side of me and presses a hug to my side and so does Harry. We sit there in a small Larry sandwich until we realize there is still people outside waiting for us.

We separate and I wipe the tears that are falling gracefully from Harry's eyes. I take his hand and we all leave the room and join everyone else in the living room. I sit down next to Manny and cuddle up next to him and smile. "You knew about this?" I ask.

"Yeah they told me last night before we left so that they could be all cuddly with each other the whole night." He admits. "But with me they were just like 'dude we're gay', and I was like, 'ight'. So there's that." He says. I giggle and entwine my fingers with his and we lay there happily as Lottie plays the Larry video again.

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